FIPS 140-3 and CNSA 2.0 with a Single TLS Connection

Can you believe it? With wolfSSL you can now have a TLS 1.3 connection that is compliant with both FIPS 140-3 and the CNSA 2.0! Want to know how?

For key establishment, we can use the new ML-KEM-1024 (also known as Kyber-1024 which is at security level 5 as defined by NIST) hybridized with ECDH on curve P-521.

In terms of authentication, we can use our dual algorithm certificates where the conventional algorithm is ECDSA on curve P-521 and the alternative algorithm is ML-DSA-87 (also known as Dilithium 5 which is at security level 5 as defined by NIST). The server would then also have conventional and alternative private keys so they would both be used to sign the transcript.

For the cipher suite, We can use AES-256-GCM-SHA384; this is approved by both FIPS 140-3 and CNSA 2.0.

And just like that, we have dual compliance! Want more details and a demo with steps to do it yourself? Not to worry, we’ll have a webinar soon to explain how you can achieve this yourself as well! Please stay tuned.

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact us at or +1 425 245 8247.

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