MQTT Secure Firmware Update Example

Our wolfMQTT project includes an example for secure firmware update. This example uses the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library to hash/sign the binary image and send it over MQTT. The example has two applications. One is called fwpush, which hashes, signs and publishes the firmware image over TLS to an MQTT broker. The second is called fwclient, which subscribes to the example firmware update topic, receives the firmware image and validates the signature of it. This example is located in examples/firmware.

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wolfSSL FAQ page

The wolfSSL FAQ page can be useful for information or general questions that need need answers immediately. It covers some of the most common questions that the support team receives, along with the support team's responses. It's a great resource for questions about wolfSSL, embedded TLS, and for solutions to problems getting started with wolfSSL.

To view this page for yourself, please follow this link here.

Here is a sample list of 5 questions that the FAQ page covers:

  1. How do I build wolfSSL on ... (*NIX, Windows, Embedded device) ?
  2. How do I manage the build configuration of wolfSSL?
  3. How much Flash/RAM does wolfSSL use?
  4. How do I extract a public key from a X.509 certificate?
  5. Is it possible to use no dynamic memory with wolfSSL and/or wolfCrypt?

Have a  question that isn't on the FAQ? Feel free to email us at

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