wolfEngine: wolfCrypt as an Engine for OpenSSL

Watch our live wolfEngine webinar, where we introduce one of our newest products wolfEngine, a separate standalone library which links against wolfSSL (libwolfssl) and OpenSSL. wolfEngine implements and exposes an OpenSSL engine implementation which wraps the wolfCrypt native API internally. Algorithm support matches that as listed on the wolfCrypt FIPS 140-2 certificate #3389.

Learn about about what wolfEngine is, why you should care, and why wolfEngine could be the solution to all of your problems. As always bring your questions for the Q&A following the presentation.

Watch it now: wolfEngine : wolfCrypt as an Engine for OpenSSL
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at facts@wolfssl.com, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

cURL User Survey 2023

This post has been cross posted from Daniel Stenberg’s blog – originally posted here.

For widely used, widely distributed open source project such as curl, we often have little to no relation at all with our users and therefore it is hard to get feedback and learn what works and what is less good.

Our best and primary way is thus simply to ask users every year how they use curl.

user survey

For the tenth consecutive year, we put together a survey and we ask everyone we know and can reach who ever used curl or library within the last year, to donate a few minutes of their precious time and give us their honest opinions.

The survey is anonymous but hosted by Google. We do not care who you are, but we want to know how you think curl works for you.

The survey will remain online for submissions during 14 days. From Thursday May 25 2023 until midnight (CEST) Wednseday June 7 2023. Please tell your friends about it!

user survey

Post survey analysis

At June 5 the painstaking work of analyzing the results and putting together a summary and presentation begins. It usually takes me a few weeks to complete. Once that is done, the results will be shared for the entire world to enjoy.

Then we see what the curl project should take home and do as a direct result of what users say. Updating procedures, writing documentation and adding features to the roadmap are among the things that can happen and has happened after previous surveys.


  • wolfSSL offers Curl support is available, and part of that support revenue goes into finding and fixing these kinds of vulnerabilities.
  •  Customers under curl support can get advice on whether or not the advisories apply to them.
  •  24×7 support on curl is available, and can include pre-notification of upcoming vulnerability announcements.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at facts@wolfssl.com, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

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