Post Quantum Key Share on the Espressif ESP32

Recently we announced that wolfSSL’s Kyber ML-KEM Implementation now Included free of charge for commercial customers. Our PQ Kyber implementation works on nearly any size of device, including the Espressif ESP32. Here are the instructions on configuring the test server and client:

ESP32 Server Application Settings

To enable Kyber, just add these lines to the user_settings.h file:

#define WOLFSSL_SHA3

Next, in the code after the creation of an ssl object:

ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx));

Simply add this line:

wolfSSL_UseKeyShare(ssl, WOLFSSL_P521_KYBER_LEVEL5);

If successful, the function will return a code of SSL_SUCCESS.

The listening server needs a minimum stack size of approximately 10K bytes.

Linux Client Application Settings

To test with the wolfSSL client, configure wolfSSL to enable the experimental Kyber features:

 ./configure --enable-kyber=all --enable-experimental

Connect to the listening ESP32 server like this:

./examples/client/client -h -v 4 \
                         -l TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 \
                         --pqc KYBER_LEVEL5

The resulting output should look like this:

Using Post-Quantum KEM: KYBER_LEVEL5
SSL version is TLSv1.3
SSL cipher suite is TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
I hear you fa shizzle!

Linux Server Application Settings

To test with the wolfSSL client, configure wolfSSL as shown above for the client, and use this example:

./examples/server/server -v 4 \
                         -l TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 
                         --pqc KYBER_LEVEL5

The TLS 1.3 server will quietly listen on port 11111. Upon a successful connection from a client, the resulting output should look something like this:

Using Post-Quantum KEM: KYBER_LEVEL5
SSL version is TLSv1.3
SSL cipher suite is TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Client message: hello wolfssl!

Keep in mind various local firewall rules may need to be adjusted to allow a port 11111 connection. How to determine if there’s a firewall issue? Check WireShark for TCP Retransmission packets that might look something like this:

Are you interested in trying our Post Quantum in your project? Let us know!

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If you have any feedback, questions, or require support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via, call us at +1 425 245 8247, or open an issue on GitHub.

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