wolfBoot Supports the Infineon AURIX TriCore TC3xx

We’re thrilled to announce that wolfBoot now supports Infineon’s AURIX TriCore TC3xx family of microcontrollers, bringing enhanced security and flexibility to your automotive and industrial applications.

Why AURIX TC3xx?

Infineon’s AURIX TriCore TC3xx microcontrollers are renowned for their high performance, safety, and security features, making them ideal for automotive and industrial applications. Adding wolfBoot to your TriCore application means you get a small and performant secure bootloader designed to protect your firmware right from the start.

Why wolfBoot on AURIX TC3xx?

  1. Security: Ensure only authenticated firmware runs on your TriCore device, safeguarding against malicious code and aftermarket tuning modifications. Encrypted application images prevent attackers from reverse engineering your code and data, and rollback protection ensures bugs in your firmware can’t be exploited once fixed. Secure key storage means your cryptographic material remains inaccessible from the outside world, providing your application with a strong root of trust.
  2. Reliability: Combine the TC3xx’s functional safety with wolfBoot’s robust image update procedure, providing your application with resilience to power failures and support for delta/incremental updates.
  3. Flexibility: wolfBoot is OS agnostic, and can interoperate with any RTOS, Linux or bare-metal application, including AUTOSAR stacks. wolfBoot’s tight integration with wolfCrypt, the world’s best-tested cryptography library, provides built-in support for all major cryptographic algorithms, including post-quantum algorithms and Chinese government-mandated SM ciphers. This means your application benefits from exceptional crypto agility, easily adapting to new cryptographic standards and staying secure against evolving threats.

Getting Started

To get started with wolfBoot on the AURIX TC3xx, clone the wolfBoot repository and follow the AURIX build instructions. The example project contains everything you need to load and update images on the AURIX LiteKit-V2 development board, but the steps should be adaptable to any device in the TC3xx family.

wolfBoot TriCore HSM Integration

wolfHSM is a software framework that provides a portable and open-source abstraction to hardware cryptography, non-volatile memory, and isolated secure processing that maximizes security and performance for ECUs. It consists of a client-server library architecture, where the wolfHSM server runs on the secure HSM core, and client applications communicate with the server through the wolfHSM client library. wolfHSM dramatically simplifies client applications by allowing direct use of wolfCrypt APIs, with the library automatically offloading all sensitive cryptographic operations to the HSM core as remote procedure calls with no additional logic required by the client app. The AURIX TC3xx family of devices is fully supported by wolfHSM, and includes HSM hardware crypto acceleration.

With the wolfHSM server running on the AURIX HSM core, wolfBoot can use the wolfHSM client to offload all cryptography and key storage to within the HSM secure environment, providing application images with an HSM-backed root of trust. wolfHSM can also leverage wolfBoot on the HSM core, authenticating both the wolfHSM server application and the TriCore application images before releasing wolfBoot on the application cores.

Using wolfBoot on the Infineon AURIX TC3xx is a big step towards securing your automotive or industrial application with minimal effort, especially when combined with wolfHSM.

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact us at facts@wolfSSL.com or +1 425 245 8247.

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