wolfSSL + Nginx
The wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library provides support for various open source projects, including Nginx. For those who are unfamiliar, Nginx is a high-performance, high-concurrency web server. Like wolfSSL, it is also compact, fast, and highly scalable. Additionally, wolfSSL also provides support for TLS 1.3 and features such as OCSP, so Nginx servers can be configured with the latest and most secure protocols.
Nginx and wolfSSL make a likely pairing because they are both lean, compact, fast, and scale well under high volumes of connections. wolfSSL + Nginx is available in a public GitHub repository. The configure option --enable-nginx
will compile the wolfSSL libraries with Nginx support.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
wolfCrypt as an engine for OpenSSL
As many people know, the OpenSSL project is struggling with FIPS, and their new FIPS release is not expected until December 2020. The version of OpenSSL that supports FIPS goes into End Of Life and is no longer supported in December of 2019.
This means that OpenSSL users will not have a supported package for over a year. This is a big issue for companies that rely on security.
To fill this breach, wolfSSL has integrated our FIPS certified crypto module with OpenSSL as an OpenSSL engine. This means that:
1. OpenSSL users can get a supported FIPS solution, with packages available up to the 24×7 level,
2. The new wolfCrypt FIPS solution also supports the TLS 1.3 algorithms, so your package can support TLS 1.3,
3. You can support hardware encryption with your package, as the new wolfCrypt solution has full hardware encryption support.
Additionally, should you be using one of the OpenSSL derivatives like BoringSSL, we can also support you.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
We love you.
Team wolfSSL
Commercial curl Support
wolfSSL’s embedded SSL/TLS library comes with support for many tools and libraries, one of which is curl! In addition to providing support and maintenance for curl, wolfSSL has also integrated the curl library in conjunction with Daniel Stenberg (an original author of curl and one of the founders). With this integration, wolfSSL now provides commercial support and consulting for the curl library!
Commercial support for wolfSSL products are available directly from wolfSSL on a yearly basis. wolfSSL provides four levels of paid support, which also includes an option for 24×7 support. For comparison of each support level, visit the wolfSSL Support and Maintenance page.
wolfSSL also provides support for the latest version of the TLS protocol, TLS 1.3! Read more about wolfSSL’s implementation and the protocol itself here:
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
wolfSSL Support for Qt (#Qt5)
Calling all developers of Qt! wolfSSL is continuously adding new features and support for various open source projects. One of the most recent projects wolfSSL has been working on is support for Qt. We are excited to announce wolfSSL support with Qt version 5.12.
The recent wolfSSL integration with Qt provides a lightweight and performance-minded alternative for the Qt Network backend SSL/TLS. The QSslSocket class makes it easy to add encryption to your application. Now, wolfSSL makes it secure!
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
To view more open source projects wolfSSL has teamed up with, visit
To learn more about the advantages of using wolfSSL, visit our page on “wolfSSL vs. OpenSSL”.
wolfMQTT with support for MQTT v5.0
wolfSSL provides many different products for many different implementations of internet protocols, one of which is wolfMQTT. The wolfMQTT library is a client implementation of MQTT written in C for embedded use, with support for SSL/TLS via the wolfSSL library, and also provides support for MQTT-Sensor Network (MQTT-SN). While wolfMQTT is based on the MQTT 3.1.1 specification, wolfMQTT also provides support for the MQTT v5.0 specification – which was recently approved and standardized by OASIS. This new standard comes with some changes, which are outlined below (from the MQTT v5.0 standard):
- Enhancements for scalability and large scale systems
- Improved error reporting
- Formalize common patterns including capability discovery and request response
- Extensibility mechanisms including user properties
- Performance improvements and support for small clients
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
wolfMQTT GitHub Repository:
wolfMQTT User Manual:
MQTT v5.0 specification:
HiveMQ: “MQTT 5: Upgrade now. Here’s why.”:
wolfSSL with curl and tiny-curl (#cURL)
wolfSSL’s embedded SSL/TLS library comes with support for many tools and libraries, one of which is curl! In addition to providing support and maintenance for curl, wolfSSL has also integrated the curl library in conjunction with Daniel Stenberg (an original author of curl and one of the founders). With this integration, wolfSSL now provides support and consulting for the curl library.
In addition, a modified version of the curl library, tiny-curl, is also available through wolfSSL. tiny-curl is a patch applied on top of curl to reduce its code size, which makes it favorable for embedded and real-time environments. Version 0.10 of tiny-curl is based on curl version 7.65.3, and is available for download from the wolfSSL download page:
More information about wolfSSL and curl can be found on the curl product page: Details on wolfSSL support for curl and tiny-curl is also located on the support page here:
wolfSSL also provides support for the latest versions of the TLS protocol, including TLS 1.3! As such, wolfSSL is considering adding TLS 1.3 support to cURL in the future. More information about wolfSSL and TLS 1.3 can be found here:
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
wolfSSL Announces the Addition of Support for DO-178 DAL A
wolfSSL is excited to add support for complete RTCA DO-178C level A certification! wolfSSL will offer DO-178 wolfCrypt as a commercial off -the-shelf (COTS) solution for connected avionics applications. Adherence to DO-178C level A will be supported through the first wolfCrypt COTS DO-178C certification kit release that includes traceable artifacts for the following encryption algorithms:
- SHA-256 for message digest
- AES for encryption and decryption
- RSA to sign and verify a message.
- Chacha20_poly1305 for authenticated encryption and decryption.
The primary goal of this initial release is to provide the proper cryptographic underpinnings for secure boot and secure firmware update in commercial and military avionics. wolfSSL brings trusted, military-grade security to connected commercial and military aircraft. Avionics developers now have a flexible, compact, economical, high-performance COTS solution for quickly delivering GIPS 140-2 validated crypto algorithms can be used in DO-178 mode for combined FIPS 140-2/DO-178 consumption. The wolfCrypt cryptography library FIPS 140-2 validation certificates can be applied to DO-178 uses.
Optimization Support
We understand that securely rebooting avionic systems has rigorous performance requirements. As such, we’re here to help with cryptographic performance optimizations through our services organization.
To download and view the most recent version of wolfSSL, the wolfSSL GitHub repository can be cloned from here:, and the most recent stable release can be downloaded from the wolfSSL download page here:
wolfSSL DO-178 product page:
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
wolfCrypt as an engine for OpenSSL
As many people know, the OpenSSL project is struggling with FIPS, and their new FIPS release is not expected until December 2020. The version of OpenSSL that supports FIPS goes into End Of Life and is no longer supported in December of 2019.
This means that OpenSSL users will not have a supported package for over a year. This is a big issue for companies that rely on security.
To fill this breach, wolfSSL has integrated our FIPS certified crypto module with OpenSSL as an OpenSSL engine. This means that:
1. OpenSSL users can get a supported FIPS solution, with packages available up to the 24×7 level,
2. The new wolfCrypt FIPS solution also supports the TLS 1.3 algorithms, so your package can support TLS 1.3,
3. You can support hardware encryption with your package, as the new wolfCrypt solution has full hardware encryption support.
Additionally, should you be using one of the OpenSSL derivatives like BoringSSL, we can also support you.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
We love you.
Team wolfSSL
wolfSSL FIPS Ready and curl (#wolfSSL #wolfCrypt #curl)
wolfSSL FIPS Ready
Along with the recent release of wolfSSL v4.1.0, wolfSSL has updated its support for the wolfCrypt FIPS Ready version of the wolfSSL library. wolfCrypt FIPS Ready is our FIPS enabled cryptography layer included in the wolfSSL source tree that can be enabled and built. To elaborate on what FIPS Ready really means: you do not get a FIPS certificate and you are not FIPS approved. FIPS Ready means that you have included the FIPS code into your build and that you are operating according to the FIPS enforced best practices of default entry point, and Power On Self Test (POST).
FIPS Ready with curl
(modified from Daniel Stenberg)
The integration of wolfSSL and curl means that the curl library can also be built using the wolfCrypt FIPS ready library. The following outlines the steps for building curl with FIPS Ready:
1. Download wolfSSL fips ready
2. Unzip the source code somewhere suitable:
$ cd $HOME/src $ unzip $ cd wolfssl-4.1.0-gplv3-fips-ready
3. Build the fips-ready wolfSSL and install it somewhere suitable:
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/wolfssl-fips --enable-harden --enable-all $ make -sj $ make install
4. Download curl, the normal curl package.
5. Unzip the source code somewhere suitable:
$ cd $HOME/src $ unzip $ cd curl-7.66.0
6. Build curl with the just recently built and installed FIPS ready wolfSSL version:
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/wolfssl-fips/lib ./configure --with-wolfssl=$HOME/wolfssl-fips --without-ssl $ make -sj
7. Now, verify that your new build matches your expectations by:
$ ./src/curl -V
It should show that it uses wolfSSL and that all the protocols and features you want are enabled and present. If not, iterate until it does!
wolfSSL FIPS ready is open source and dual-licensed. More information about building FIPS ready can be found in the FIPS Ready user guide.
More information about wolfSSL and curl can be found on the curl product page.
Details on wolfSSL support for curl is also located on the support page.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
wolfSSL Visual Studio Projects for the Microsoft Azure Sphere MT3620 IoT MCU
Azure Sphere is Microsoft’s innovative ecosystem centered around IoT device security. The ecosystem includes the MT3620 IoT MCU, the Azure Sphere OS that runs on the MT3620, and a security service that brokers device-to-cloud communications.
The MT3620 has an Arm Cortex-A7 application processor, two real-time Arm Cortex-M4F I/O subsystems and a dedicated Wi-Fi subsystem. This combination allows for a diverse and flexible range of IoT use cases. What really makes the MT3620 stand out is the Microsoft Pluton security subsystem and other security related features. Pluton on the MT3620 is made up of an Arm Cortex-M4F core that is isolated from end-user accessible cores. It allows for secure boot and secure system operation. Other MT3620 security features are authentication, attestation, and over-the-air software updates.
Creating an application for the MT3620 is done with the Azure Sphere SDK Preview for Visual Studio. wolfSSL has recently released a Visual Studio solution that contains three projects for the MT3620. The three projects are a TLS encrypted client, TLS encrypted server and a cryptographic algorithm test for the wolfCrypt library.
Getting Started
- Purchase an Azure Sphere MT3620 development board.
- Setup your MT3620 device with Azure Sphere Documentation.
- Download or clone wolfSSL.
- Follow the Set Up Steps in the README.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
Read more about Azure Sphere.
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