wolfSSL FIPS – A Year in Review (Part 2 of a 3 Part Series)
Greetings! In this post we are covering Operational Environment’s (OE’s) we worked with this past year. These OE’s were validated under an OEM relationship where the company validating is licensed to resell the wolfCrypt FIPS product under their own brand name.
wolfSSL was particularly excited about both of these projects as they display the great range of capabilities for wolfSSL and the wolfCrypt FIPS module.
The first OE was an embedded system with Cortex M4 processor and the second was a backend server where the wolfSSL product scales nicely due to reduced run-time resource use!
wolfSSL is happy to assist with OEM FIPS validation and rebranding if the situation fits! We would love to hear from you, contact us anytime:
If you missed the first part in our series, you can read it here!
wolfSSL 3.12.0 Now Available
wolfSSL 3.12.0 is now available for download! This release contains bug fixes, new features, and includes fixes for one security vulnerability (low level).
The one low level vulnerability fix included in this release is in relation to a potential DoS attack on a wolfSSL client. Previously a client would accept many warning alert messages without a limit. This fix puts a limit to the number of warning alert messages received and if this limit is reached a fatal error ALERT_COUNT_E is returned. The max number of warning alerts by default is set to 5 and can be adjusted with the macro WOLFSSL_ALERT_COUNT_MAX. Thanks for the report from Tarun Yadav and Koustav Sadhukhan from Defence Research and Development Organization, INDIA.
Continue reading below for a summary of the features and fixes included in this release.
TLS 1.3 Support!
If you follow wolfSSL’s blog, you may have heard discussion about our TLS 1.3 BETA support. wolfSSL 3.12.0 is the first stable release that contains our TLS 1.3 support (client and server side)! This means that you can pair TLS 1.3 with your favorite other features and project ports too! TLS 1.3 with Nginx! TLS 1.3 with ARMv8! and TLS 1.3 with Async Crypto!
Enable TLS 1.3 draft 20 support using the “–enable-tls13” configure option, or the older draft 18 support with the “–enable-tls13-draft18” option. wolfSSL also supports 0RTT with TLS 1.3, which can be enabled with “–enable-earlydata”.
For more information about using wolfSSL with TLS 1.3, visit our TLS 1.3 webpage, or contact us at
Build and Configure Option Changes
– Added enable all feature (–enable-all)
– Added trackmemory feature (–enable-trackmemory)
– Fixes for compiling wolfSSL with GCC version 7, most dealing with switch statement fall through warnings.
– Added warning when compiling without hardened math operations
Intel Assembly Improvements, Intel SGX Linux Support, and Intel QuickAssist Support
For users of wolfSSL on Intel platforms, we have made improvements including:
– A port of wolfSSL for Intel SGX with Linux. We previously only supported Intel SGX with Windows.
– AVX and AVX2 assembly instructions for improved ChaCha20 performance
– Intel QAT fixes for when using –disable-fastmath
– Improvements and enhancements to Intel QuickAssist support
Note: There is a known issue with using ChaCha20 AVX assembly on versions of GCC earlier than 5.2. This is encountered with using the wolfSSL enable options “–enable-intelasm” and “–enable-chacha”. To avoid this issue ChaCha20 can be enabled with “–enable-chacha=noasm”.
If using “–enable-intelasm” and also using “–enable-sha224” or “–enable-sha256” there is a known issue with trying to use “-fsanitize=address”.
Official SHA-3 Support (Keccak)
Previously wolfSSL only supported the SHA-3 runner-up Blake2b. wolfSSL now additionally supports the final SHA-3 winner, Keccak. This can be enabled with the “–enable-sha3” configure option. It is enabled by default on x86_64 platforms.
DTLS Multicast and Updates
For our DTLS users, wolfSSL now supports DTLS Multicast with “–enable-mcast”! In addition, this release also contains:
– An update to how DTLS handles decryption and MAC failures
– An update to the DTLS session export version number for use with the “–enable-sessionexport” option
For more details about DTLS Multicast, get in touch with us at!
New and Updated Hardware Ports
With this release, we have update several of our hardware ports and added a few new ones as well, including:
– Update and fix for our Microchip PIC32MZ port
– Fix for STM32F4 AES-GCM
– Addition of a Xilinx port, based on the UltraZed-EG Starter Kit based on the Xilinx Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC
– Addition of SHA-224 and AES key wrap to ARMv8 port
– Additional input argument sanity checks to ARMv8 assembly port
Enhanced Testing
– Additional unit testing for MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RipeMd, HMAC, 3DES, IDEA, ChaCha20, ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD, Camellia, Rabbit, ARC4, AES, RSA, HC-128
Updated Operating System Ports
– Update TI-RTOS port for dependency on new wolfSSL source files
– Update MQX Classic and mmCAU ports
– Fix ThreadX/NetX warning
wolfSSL Python Wrapper
– Expand wolfSSL Python wrapper to now include a client side implementation
wolfSSL Python Wrapper Documentation
wolfCrypt Python Wrapper Documentation
Other Additions and Modifications
Other changes that this release contains includes:
– Fix for making PKCS12 dynamic types match
– Fixes for potential memory leaks when using –enable-fast-rsa
– Fix for when using custom ECC curves and add BRAINPOOLP256R1 test
– Fix for Async crypto with GCC 7.1 and HMAC when not using Intel QuickAssist
– Added more sanity checks to fp_read_unsigned_bin function
– Fix for potential buffer over read with wolfSSL_CertPemToDer
– Add PKCS7/CMS decode support for KARI with IssuerAndSerialNumber
– Added RSA PSS sign and verify
– Fixes for AES key wrap and PKCS7 on Windows VS
– Support use of staticmemory with PKCS7
– Fix for Blake2b build with GCC 5.4
– Fixes for OCSP and CRL non blocking sockets and for incomplete cert chain with OCSP
Updated Examples
– Adjust example servers to not treat a peer closed error as a hard error
– Added benchmark block size argument
If you have any questions about the new release, or using wolfSSL in your project, please contact us at
wolfSSL and libFuzzer
libFuzzer, a fuzzing engine created by LLVM, is now being used to test the wolfSSL library. Below is a short description of libFuzzer, taken from LLVM’s website here.
LibFuzzer is linked with the library under test, and feeds fuzzed inputs to the library via a specific fuzzing entrypoint (aka “target function”); the fuzzer then tracks which areas of the code are reached, and generates mutations on the corpus of input data in order to maximize the code coverage. The code coverage information for libFuzzer is provided by LLVM’s SanitizerCoverage instrumentation.
With this tool, wolfSSL API are being tested on how well they can handle random gibberish, poorly formatted certificates, and other forms of data that are created and input by the user. These tests are being used to detect buffer-overflow bugs, segmentation faults, memory leaks, undefined behaviors, and many other bugs that could potentially be used to exploit the wolfSSL library.
If you are interested in further details of how wolfSSL is using libFuzzer, email us at
wolfSSL FIPS – A Year in Review (Part 1 of a 3 Part Series)
wolfSSL is pleased to bring our community a report of the past years FIPS activities. In part one of this three-part series we will cover the new Operating Environments (OEs) added to the wolfSSL certificate in the past year + CAVP algorithm testing done by wolfSSL.
Part two of this series will cover OEs tested by wolfSSL for OEM partners.
Part Three of this series will cover on-site consulting services offered by wolfSSL and some of the commentary from our on-site consulting engineers.
This past year wolfSSL added the following OEs to the wolfCrypt certificate on 06/23/2016
wolfSSL also performed algorithm testing or CAVP only validation for AES in these OEs:
The following AES modes of operation were tested: ECB, CBC, CMAC, GMAC, and GCM. The algo certificates can be visited via the following links. (3/31/2017) (7/31/2016)
wolfSSL also performed algorithm testing or CAVP only validation for SHA-256 on the Same OEs.
Those certificates can be found via the following links. (3/31/2017) (7/31/2016)
wolfSSL offers several FIPS services including but not limited to: OEM revalidations, on-site consulting for receiving your own FIPS validation, or just a traditional FIPS validation for your operating environment. For more info please contact and we will be happy to discuss details with you!
TLS 1.3 Reducing Latency
As we’ve mentioned in a previous blog post one of the key advantages of TLS 1.3 is the reduction in round-trips. Older versions of the TLS protocol require two complete round-trips before the client sends the application data. With TLS v1.3 only 1 round-trip is required! This means network latency has less impact on the time required to establish a secure connection. We recently completed a handshake benchmark with various latencies to make sure wolfSSL is taking advantage of the reduced latency in TLS 1.3.
For more details on using TLS v1.3 with wolfSSL, please contact us at
wolfCrypt JNI Wrapper and JCE Provider
The wolfCrypt cryptography library is now available to Java developers! wolfSSL recently released a JNI wrapper and JCE provider that wraps the native C wolfCrypt library.
The JCE (Java Cryptographic Extension) framework supports the installation of custom Cryptographic Service Providers which can in turn implement a subset of the underlying cryptographic functionality used by the Java Security API. The “wolfcrypt-jni” package contains both a thin wolfCrypt JNI wrapper as well as a wolfCrypt JCE provider.
This package has been tested with several different JDK variants, including OpenJDK, Oracle JDK, and Android. It also ships with pre-signed JAR files for use with Oracle JDK versions that verify JCE provider classes.
Classes and algorithms currently supported by the wolfCrypt JCE Provider:
MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
HmacMD5, HmacSHA1, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, HmacSHA512
MD5withRSA, SHA1withRSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA512withRSA
SHA1withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA384withECDSA, SHA512withECDSA
DiffieHellman, DH, ECDH
You can download the wolfCrypt JNI wrapper and JCE provider from the wolfSSL download page, or look over the wolfJCE User Manual. Please send any feedback or questions to us at
NXP Kinetis K8X LTC support for PKI (RSA/ECC) with #TLS13
As our readers have seen us post about in the past, NXP has a new LP Trusted Crypto (LTC) core which accelerates RSA/ECC PKI in their Kinetis K8x line.
The LTC hardware accelerator improves:
* RSA performance by 12-17X
* ECC performance by 18-23X
* Ed/Curve25519 performance by 2-3X.
wolfSSL now provides support for TLS 1.3 (#TLS13), which was introduced in an internet draft in October of 2016.
If desired, the LTC hardware accelerator can be combined with TLS 1.3, providing:
* Reduced number of round trips while performing a full handshake
* A repurposed ticketing system allows for servers to be stateless
* More attack resistance from improvements to renegotiation, compression, CBC, padding, etc.
Support for the NXP LTC adds to wolfSSL’s existing mmCAU support, now accelerating RNG, AES (CBC, CCM, GCM, CTR), DES/3DES, MD5, SHA, SHA256, SHA384/512 and ChaCha20/Poly1305.
The combined LTC/MMCAU hardware acceleration improves performance, reduces power consumption and reduces code size by 40%.
Here are the benchmarks on a FRDM-K82F Cortex M4 @ 150MHz:
Hardware Accelerated (LTC / MMCAU):
RNG 25 kB took 0.026 seconds, 0.939 MB/s
AES enc 25 kB took 0.002 seconds, 12.207 MB/s
AES dec 25 kB took 0.002 seconds, 12.207 MB/s
AES-GCM 25 kB took 0.002 seconds, 12.207 MB/s
AES-CTR 25 kB took 0.003 seconds, 8.138 MB/s
AES-CCM 25 kB took 0.004 seconds, 6.104 MB/s
CHACHA 25 kB took 0.008 seconds, 3.052 MB/s
CHA-POLY 25 kB took 0.013 seconds, 1.878 MB/s
POLY1305 25 kB took 0.003 seconds, 8.138 MB/s
SHA 25 kB took 0.006 seconds, 4.069 MB/s
SHA-256 25 kB took 0.009 seconds, 2.713 MB/s
SHA-384 25 kB took 0.032 seconds, 0.763 MB/s
SHA-512 25 kB took 0.035 seconds, 0.698 MB/s
RSA 2048 public 12.000 milliseconds, avg over 1 iterations
RSA 2048 private 135.000 milliseconds, avg over 1 iterations
ECC 256 key generation 17.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
EC-DHE key agreement 15.200 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
EC-DSA sign time 20.200 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
EC-DSA verify time 33.000 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
CURVE25519 256 key generation 14.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
CURVE25519 key agreement 14.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
ED25519 key generation 14.800 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
ED25519 sign time 16.800 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
ED25519 verify time 30.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
Software only:
RNG 25 kB took 0.179 seconds, 0.136 MB/s
AES enc 25 kB took 0.099 seconds, 0.247 MB/s
AES dec 25 kB took 0.102 seconds, 0.239 MB/s
AES-GCM 25 kB took 1.486 seconds, 0.016 MB/s
AES-CTR 25 kB took 0.099 seconds, 0.247 MB/s
AES-CCM 25 kB took 0.201 seconds, 0.121 MB/s
CHACHA 25 kB took 0.043 seconds, 0.568 MB/s
CHA-POLY 25 kB took 0.055 seconds, 0.444 MB/s
POLY1305 25 kB took 0.010 seconds, 2.441 MB/s
SHA 25 kB took 0.029 seconds, 0.842 MB/s
SHA-256 25 kB took 0.079 seconds, 0.309 MB/s
SHA-384 25 kB took 0.109 seconds, 0.224 MB/s
SHA-512 25 kB took 0.113 seconds, 0.216 MB/s
RSA 2048 public 147.000 milliseconds, avg over 1 iterations
RSA 2048 private 2363.000 milliseconds, avg over 1 iterations
ECC 256 key generation 355.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
EC-DHE key agreement 352.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
EC-DSA sign time 362.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
EC-DSA verify time 703.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
CURVE25519 256 key generation 66.200 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
CURVE25519 key agreement 65.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
ED25519 key generation 25.000 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
ED25519 sign time 30.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
ED25519 verify time 74.400 milliseconds, avg over 5 iterations
For more information on how wolfSSL supports TLS 1.3, check out this page.
Download wolfSSL from our download page today! These changes are also included in the KSDK 2.0.
Upcoming in wolfSSH v1.2.0
wolfSSH v1.2.0 is currently a work in process. We have just added support for Elliptic Curve algorithms and AES-GCM. The following key exchange and public key algorithms are now available:
• ecdh-sha2-nistp256
• ecdh-sha2-nistp384
• ecdh-sha2-nistp521
• ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
• ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
• ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
The new encryption algorithm that is available is “”, which is an implementation of RFC 5647, using the MAC algorithm implied with using the AEAD algorithm AES-GCM.
We look forward to bigger and better additions to wolfSSH in the near future, allowing a richer SSH experience in the IoT. Please see our wolfSSH page for more information and check out a download of wolfSSL.
wolfSSL has added AFL to its Testing Suite
wolfSSL is glad to announce that it is incorporating American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) into its testing suite.
Improving security is the at the heart of what wolfSSL is about. That is why wolfSSL has decided to include the AFL fuzzer to its list of tools. Finding bugs first locally allows our teams to make improvements to our libraries helping to eliminate vulnerabilities before they are released in our stable product releases.
Why choose AFL?
AFL is fast and efficient and here at wolfSSL we preach the importance of speed and efficiency. There is also an impressive “trophy case” of bugs found on the AFL home page here. Among the programs listed in the trophy case are several SSL/TLS libraries proving that this fuzzer works for encrypted communications. Finally, AFL is open source like wolfSSL allowing the freedom to look under the hood.
Where we Stand now and our Plans for the Future.
Currently we have 26 individual API tests that cover some of the most common function calls in the wolfSSL library. These tests will be ran daily and if anything of interest is found our teams will be notified right away. We plan to increase the number of tests run as our team determines which API stands to benefit from fuzz testing the most. Our teams are excited to see what AFL can find in the upcoming months as they work alongside it to bring you one of the best TLS/SSL libraries available.
Using wolfSSL on the Atmel ATECC508A with TLS 1.3 (#TLS13)
As previously announced, the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library and wolfCrypt embedded crypto engine support the Atmel ATECC508A crypto element. This allows wolfSSL to take advantage of the ECC hardware acceleration and protected private key storage on the ATECC508A.
Using wolfSSL, ATECC508A users can benefit from both increased ECC performance and secure key storage, thus hardening their TLS connections. Now that wolfSSL supports TLS 1.3, users also have the ability to use this new protocol version for even better performance for TLS connections!
The wolfCrypt ATECC508A port adds the following (and more!) when used with TLS 1.3:
+ wolfCrypt support for ECC hardware acceleration using the ATECC508A. The defines for this port are WOLFSSL_ATMEL and WOLFSSL_ATECC508A
+ Public key callback for Pre Master Secret
+ Reduced quantity of round trips for performing a full handshake
+ A repurposed ticketing system allows for servers to be stateless
For more complete details please visit the wolfSSL Atmel webpage. The code can be downloaded directly from wolfSSL’s “More Downloads” page, with the title “”.
For more complete details on TLS 1.3, please visit For more complete details for on how wolfSSL supports TLS 1.3, please visit
wolfSSL is dual licensed under both the GPLv2 as well as a standard commercial license. For licensing information, please see the wolfSSL License Page, or contact us or call us at (425) 245-8247
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