Live Webinar: SM Ciphers are now implemented in wolfSSL; how to access them, use them, and what sets them apart
We are excited to announce that the SM cipher webinar will once again be available for those residing in the European time zone! We invite you to join us for an enlightening webinar discussing the launch of wolfSSL’s SM cipher implementations.
Watch the webinar here: SM Ciphers are now implemented in wolfSSL; how to access them, use them, and what sets them apart
As many people know, Chinese government regulators are now mandating use of SM2, SM3 and SM4 in critical systems, including automobiles, avionics, power systems, and communication systems. Since many of our customers are multi-nationals that do business in China, they have been requesting the addition of these algorithms in wolfSSL products.
We recently released our supported versions of SM2, SM3, and SM4, with the intention to release the ZUC stream cipher at some point this year to completely satisfy SM9. We are also in contact with labs regarding support of OSCCA certification at some point in the future. This is really great news for our customers in Chinese markets!
For those readers considering using wolfSSL products, here’s some additional notes:
- The SM Ciphers are fully supported in wolfSSL’s TLS 1.3 and DTLS 1.3 implementations.
- wolfSSH, wolfBoot and our other products will support ShangMi ciphers.
- ARM, Intel, and RiscV assembly is in the works for our SM implementations for maximum performance
- We support bare metal for SM2, SM3, and SM4.
- We have maximized performance and minimized size, so the ShangMi algorithms will work well for embedded systems use cases on a wide variety of microcontrollers (MCU’s). They will be available for all of the MCU silicon that we currently support, including STM32, NXP i.MX, RISC-V, Renesas RA, RX, and Synergy, Nordic NRF32, Microchip PIC32, Infineon Aurix, TI MSP, and many others.
- Our GPLv2 versions of the SM ciphers are available for download on GitHub
Commercially licensed versions are available.
As always, our webinars will include Q&A sessions throughout the webinar. If you have questions about the ShangMi ciphers and algorithms, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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Experimental support for realm
Looking to add FIPS-certified crypto to your Realm database app? WolfSSL can help!
We are working on getting wolfSSL upstreamed into Realm as a TLS and crypto provider, and can provide a preliminary version tested on Linux for interested customers. We can also work with you to get other platforms like Android and iOS supported by request.
If you want your Realm database to harness the power and security of wolfSSL, please reach out to us and let us know!
As always, if you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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Static library framework for Apple devices
We’ve got an exciting new update for our Apple ecosystem support! wolfSSL now contains a script that automates building and packaging wolfSSL static libraries as an XCFramework that can run on all Apple platforms and targets, further simplifying integration into your Xcode projects.
Instead of manually adding all wolfSSL source files to your Xcode project and having to use a user_settings.h file, you can now simply run the script with your desired configure options to build and package wolfSSL, and then drag-and-drop the imported framework bundle into XCode. The framework bundle contains wolfSSL static libraries targeting all modern Apple platforms and simulators. This includes MacOS (arm64, x86_64), iPhone (arm64), iPhoneSimulator (arm64, x86_64), appleTV (arm64), appleTVSimulator (arm64, x86_64), appleWatch (arm64), and appleWatchSimulator (arm64, x86_64). We also include a new “wolfssl-multiplatform” demo application in Xcode demonstrating how a swift application can use a “bridging header” to call into C code and use wolfSSL.
You can find the new build utilities and the “wolfssl-multiplatform” example app in the wolfSSL source tree at IDE/apple-universal. Check out the README to get started. Integrating wolfSSL to your Xcode project has never been easier!
As always, if you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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How and why to use ECH (Encrypted Client Hello)
In early 2023 wolfSSL added support for the Encrypted Client Hello draft extension for TLS 1.3 (formerly known as Encrypted Server Name Indication(ESNI)). The Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) extension encrypts the client_hello message meant for a TLS 1.3 server and sends it as an extension of an outer client_hello that has the sensitive fields removed. This encryption obfuscates the sensitive parts of the client_hello (such as the Server Name Indication (SNI)) from any passive observer that may capture the client_hello.
Why use ECH?
Data in the client hello can be used to identify which site a client is trying to access behind a reverse proxy, which may be used to track the user across the internet or disrupt a reverse proxy by identifying the number of servers active or where the server may be geographically. If you would like more detailed information on ECH, check out the draft extension and for more information on reverse proxies checkout Cloudflare’s article on proxies.
We recently added a new example of how to set up our TLS 1.3 server to use ECH, available at along with an example client that will set the ECH configs out of band and then connect to it When the server starts it creates ech-configs, which are a list of Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) keys and server names that the server will accept for an ECH connection. Once the configs are generated they can be shared out of band with the client or can be obtained through the retry-configs method by connecting and disconnecting the client with a GREASE ECH. In this example the server will print out the base64 encoded configs that can then be passed to the example client as a command line argument and it will load the configs and use them for ECH. In a typical real world application the ECH configs would be published as a DNS record that the client’s web server fetches but that is outside the scope of wolfSSL.
For more information on HPKE check out our blog post. For an example of how to obtain ECH configs through the retry-configs method, check out our other ECH example. If you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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wolfSSHd Works on Windows!
Did you know that the recent SSHd addition to wolfSSH has also been ported over to Windows? It can run as a service and host incoming SSH, SFTP, and SCP connections. This took some effort in the engineering department here at wolfSSL. Getting interop with clients using Linux terminals streamlined and porting over the wolfSSHd authentication methods. All of this is taken care of in the background making it easy to get up and running. Making use of wolfSSH also gains the advantage of post quantum support along with the cryptographic library wolfCrypt. Additionally providing the capability to be FIPS certified! For more information about using wolfSSHd on Windows contact, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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How to build a smaller wolfSSL library when used with cURL?
The size of software builds can often be a concern for developers, particularly in embedded systems or other resource-constrained environments. Recently, a change was made to the wolfSSL library that has resulted in smaller build sizes when used with the popular cURL library.
When building wolfSSL, this recent change removes the need for using
instead only requires
–enable-opensslextra=x509small CPPFLAGS=-DHAVE_CURL
This compiles out a lot of compatibility layer functionality (used for ripping out and replacing OpenSSL) that is not needed by cURL. This change can be especially beneficial in resource-constrained environments where smaller builds are crucial. Find more information about using wolfSSL with cURL or about the even smaller tiny-curl. If you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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What Operating Systems has wolfSSL been ported to?
When embarking on a project the operating system used is a hard choice and limiting factor. Many embedded IoT projects even do without the operating system due to resource constraints. wolfSSL is a compact, highly customizable, and open-source SSL/TLS library that provides encryption, authentication, and secure communication. One remarkable feature, among many, of wolfSSL is its versatility – it has been ported to a large selection of operating systems, enabling developers to integrate robust security into a diverse range of platforms.
Ported operating systems range all the way from the obvious and expected operating systems to embedded and niche operating system:
- Linux (embedded Linux, Yocto Linux, PetaLinux, Debian, and more)
- Windows
- MacOS
- FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD
- Android
- iOS
- FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS
- VxWorks
- GreenHills INTEGRITY
- ThreadX
- WinCE
- Micrium
- embOS
- TinyOS
- Nucleus
- Solaris
- OpenWRT
- Keil RTX
- MontaVista
- NonStop
- Zephyr
- Azure Sphere OS
- Deos
- PikeOS
- Apache Mynewt
- Nintendo Wii and Gamecube with DevKitPro
- And many more that wolfSSL could work on…
wolfSSL has been developed from the ground up to work well in embedded devices and edge devices. This design has lent itself well for easily porting over to many different operating systems. If you are working on a project that has a need for some excellent security contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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wolfSSL Micrium Port Updated
Users of Micrium secured by wolfSSL rejoice! We recently added support for Micrium to utilize the hardware RNG of STM32 platforms. Also we updated the port to include the application configuration to take advantage of TCP IP settings in the Micrium network headers.
Micrium users can take advantage of wolfSSL’s best-tested security library, including support for TLS 1.3. and DTLS 1.3. For instructions on how to build and integrate the examples on your projects or to see the benchmark results, please see the README located in “IDE/ECLIPSE/MICRIUM”. For any questions or help getting wolfSSL up and running in your environment, please contact us at
As always, if you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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Live Webinar: Linux Kernel Mode
Exciting news for Linux Kernel Module developers and developers who are interested in diving into Linux Kernel Module. Join us for a webinar on Linux Kernel Mode hosted by wolfSSL Engineer Daniel Pouzzner.
Watch the webinar here: Linux Kernel Mode
After wolfSSL 4.6.0 introduced initial support for building as a Linux kernel module, and providing native wolfCrypt and wolfSSL APIs to other kernel modules in December 2020, wolfSSL Linux Kernel Module support has grown by leaps and bounds, with new support for public key(PK) cryptographic acceleration, FIPS 140-3, accelerated crypto in IRQ handlers, portability improvements, and overall feature completeness.
wolfSSL engineer, Daniel Pouzzner, will showcase how wolfSSL Linux Kernel Mode can enhance your projects. It is your opportunity to learn knowledge and technical skills. Watch it now!
As always we will have a Q&A Session following the webinar.
If you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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wolfSSL Supports TSIP v1.17
wolfSSL 5.6.3 adds support for Renesas TSIP v1.17 and extends some of the TLS handshake operations to use this cryptographic accelerator. TSIP v1.17 adds the ability to handle CertificateVerify messages over TLS. This feature is used for both validation and generation of messages exchanged with the server. Of course, both TLS1.2 and 1.3 can handle both ECC and RSA certificates.
Example applications for Renesas RX series MCUs with Renesas IDE e2studio project files are provided in the wolfSSL package, included in the /IDE/Renesas/e2studio/RXxx folders. Detailed instruction manuals written both in English and Japanese will help you get started with wolfSSL on these platforms quickly.
If you have any questions or want to know more details, lease contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.
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