So, what’s new at wolfSSL? Take a look below to check out the most recent news, or sign up to receive weekly email notifications containing the latest news from wolfSSL. wolfSSL also has a support-specific blog page dedicated to answering some of the more commonly received support questions.

The NSA Announces CNSA Suite 2.0

Recently, we have been hearing a lot about the (National Security Agency) NSA’s new (Commercial National Security Algorithm) CNSA Suite 2.0. The document was released in September of 2022 and can be found here. Likely, you have been hearing about it as well so we thought it might be a good idea to point out some interesting details.

The document focuses on notifying parties involved in National Security Systems (NSS) – such as vendors like you – that new requirements are coming. These requirements mandate a shift to quantum-resistant (also known as post-quantum) algorithms and the deprecation of legacy algorithms (ie RSA, DH, ECC). What does this mean for you?

It means that if you are making niche equipment for the NSS, you will need to switch to supporting post-quantum algorithms by 2030 and then only supporting them exclusively by 2033. The CNSA Suite 2.0 does allow for usage of legacy algorithms as a component of a hybrid solution, but their use alone will become unapproved. This is a very big change and wolfSSL is here to support you through this transition.

The document mentions the following algorithms; we have added our current support status for these algorithms beside each one:

  • AES-256 – (Supported. Have our own implementation.)
  • SHA-384 – (Supported. Have our own implementation.)
  • SHA-512 – (Supported. Have our own implementation.)
  • CRYSTALS-Kyber Level 5 – (Supported via integration with liboqs, PQM4 AND currently working on our own implementation.)
  • CRYSTALS-Dithium Level 5 – (Supported via integration with liboqs.)
  • LMS all variants – (Not supported yet.)
  • XMSS all variants – (Not supported yet.)

It is important to note that the transition dates mentioned above are for vendors that deal with the US government. Are you further down the supply chain? If so, then your customers need you to be ready even earlier as they will need time to develop their solutions. Don’t get caught unprepared!

Want to learn more about post-quantum cryptography? Want to try experimenting with these algorithms in TLS, SSH or MQTT? Looking to better understand our plans around LMS and XMSS? If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

wolfSSL 5.5.1 Release

wolfSSL 5.5.1 is released! wolfSSL 5.5.1 contains some fixes, feature additions, and one vulnerability fix. 

The vulnerability fix in this minor release was thanks to a report from Max at the trail of bits, and the team working on tlspuffin. It involved TLS 1.3 on the server side with –enable-session-tickets turned on. Our recommendation is that users always try to stay up to date with the latest releases, if using TLS 1.3 on the server side and having –enable-session-tickets enabled when building wolfSSL, users should update the version of wolfSSL.

This minor release also saw the addition of sphincs and kyber, two post quantum algorithms. Non blocking ECC in the TLS layer support was added, performance optimizations for use on ARMv7 among other architectures, along with porting work for use with the NXP RT685 board. 

A full list of changes can be found in the bundled or on our website here

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

Next Level Interop Testing in QUIC

As demonstrated in their “Does it blend?” series, by using a blender you will find out what things are really made of. Inspired by this, wolfSSL sponsored a new QUIC related test suite for the ngtcp2 project. What does it do and how does it help you in using wolfSSL?

Ngtcp2 is the leading open source QUIC implementation. We added wolfSSL support to it, as covered in our blog. Next to wolfSSL, most other TLS/SSL libraries are also supported: the quictls fork of OpenSSL, BoringSSL, GnuTLS, picotls. Libressl is expected to join soon. (OpenSSL itself is missing and is not expected to play a role in QUIC for the foreseeable future. We covered that in the mentioned blog post.)

What you as a user of wolfSSL are most interested in is not only that you get state-of-the-art TLS, but that it communicates correctly and efficiently with all the other TLS libraries out there. Now and for all future releases coming. 

QUIC’s use of TLS is very similar to TCP, but there are some differences. By testing TLS libraries against each other in the context of QUIC, we can verify not only interop for QUIC itself, but stress combinations of features and configurations that are used in “normal” TLS connections as well.

The Blender

The ngtcp2 test suite has become part of ngtcp2 itself. It is added to its CI on github, so all future development and new releases – of wolfSSL and all other TLS implementations – are always verified.

You can run this yourself. On ngtcp2’s github are the instructions to checkout and build it yourself. The new test suite has its own README, explaining how to use it. The test suite is based on Python’s pytest and should run on all platforms that support it.

There are “examples” server and client executables in ngtcp2, one for each TLS library that you configured. Should you only configure `–with-wolfssl`, only the wolfSSL server and client are built. The test suite then verifies in various scenarios that they interoperate.

If you configure more TLS libraries in ngtcp2, say `–with-wolfssl –with-openssl`, then you get two servers and two clients. The tests then try all possible combinations: wolfssl-wolfssl, openssl-openssl, openssl-wolfssl and wolfssl-openssl. Meaning, you do not need all the TLS libraries to run the blender on your machine.

Should you develop your own QUIC application, the test suite is an excellent place to verify it. It runs executables against each other. It is fairly straightforward to modify it for your own purposes.

We are, for example, currently considering how to use it for testing curl, the swiss army knife for internet transfers, sponsored by wolfSSL. We added wolfSSL QUIC support in curl, using ngtcp2, and the test coverage there needs to be extended as well.

For All

We think by donating this test suite to the ngtcp2 project, it’ll serve everyone best. We could have made it part of wolfSSL’s CI suites, but that would be a barrier for other TLS projects to pick it up. Also, should interop problems arise, let’s say between GnuTLS and BoringSSL, we do not really want to be involved in resolving it.

This aspect of OSS where things can be added and stay accessible where they make most sense is a real strength. We are happy to contribute.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

wolfCLU 0.1.0 Release

wolfCLU 0.1.0 is available! wolfCLU is the wolfSSL’s Command Line Utility and is meant to be used for simple key generation, certificate operations, encryption, and more. It is also being developed to be an alternative for the commonly used OpenSSL command line utility. In addition to supporting platforms like Windows and FreeRTOS, there were vast feature enhancements over the last release. Support for several new flags were added in.

  • s_client : -CAfile and -verify_return_error
  • verify : -partial_chain
  • enc : -pass
  • crl : -text
  • req : -passout
  • x509 : -modulus

This release also included several fixes. A running list of changes can be found in the bundled Visit our download page or for downloading the bundle. If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

wolfMQTT Release v1.14.1

The fall release of wolfMQTT, v1.14.1, is now available! This is a point release that updates support for the vcpkg integration:

  • Fix cmake builds #307
  • Fix for Vcpkg on Windows not getting wolfssl/options.h included #305

The Microsoft vcpkg project allows applications to easily build, use, and update C libraries. 

You can download and install wolfMQTT using vcpkg:

git clone
cd vcpkg

OR for Windows


./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install wolfmqtt

The wolfMQTT port in vcpkg is kept up to date by wolfSSL.

We also have vcpkg ports for wolftpm, wolfssl and curl.

Check out the changelog from the download for a full list of features and fixes, or if you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.:

While you’re there, show us some love and give the wolfMQTT project a Star!

You can download the latest release here:

Or clone directly from our GitHub repository:

cURL Up 2022

The cURL Project and wolfSSL is happy to announce the annual cURL Developers Conference, cURL Up has been rescheduled for Thursday September 15, 2022! cURL Up will be held virtually this September giving allowing the world – wide cURL community to join.

cURL Up is the annual curl developers conference where we gather and talk Internet protocols, curl’s past, current situation and how to design its future.

This is an intimate and very friendly meetup where you will have the opportunity to talk to Daniel Stenberg, founder and maintainer of cURL, as well as other speakers and sponsors about cURL and related technologies.

The first 50 registrants get some awesome swag!

When: Sep 15, 2022 06:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Watch the curl up 2022 comprehensive videos.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

Improved Coverage of Maintained (ABI) Application Binary Interfaces

wolfSSL’s controlled and maintained Application Binary Interface (ABI) coverage has been extended by 50 APIs to now have a total of 113. This includes parts of wolfCrypt including the Certificate APIs. This ensures that these APIs do not change over time so that any application using them will not be negatively impacted by upgrading to future releases of wolfSSL.

One of our goals at wolfSSL is to make sure that adopting our leading edge security solutions is as easy as possible. This includes helping our customers transition from an older version of wolfSSL to the latest version, with enhanced security, as easy as possible. The ABI coverage is one part in helping our customers with a smooth and easy transition.

Do you have questions about our ABI coverage?

Would you like to request enhancements or additional coverage?

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

End of Summer Post-Quantum Round Up

Here at wolfSSL, we think it is fair to say that we’ve been as busy as beavers with our post-quantum efforts! Here is a round up of updates on our post-quantum efforts over the last few weeks of summer.

Webinar with Guest Speaker Professor Douglas Stebila

Want to get a better understanding of what is going on when you do a post-quantum key exchange using Kyber KEM and hear some of the latest news on post-quantum cryptography? Tune in to our recent webinar with professor Douglas Stebila where he eases in on the inner workings of the Kyber KEM algorithm and how it works. You can find the video here: Post-Quantum: No Longer Just a Buzzword .

Dilithium in wolfSSL

We have added support for all parameter sets of Dilithium in the NIST Round 3 submission.  This includes levels 1, 3 and 5 of the SHAKE and AES variants.  Of course we have full interoperability with the OQS’s OpenSSL fork for X.509 certificates and TLS 1.3.

SPHINCS+ in wolfCrypt

We have added support for a limited number of  parameter sets of the NIST Round 3 submission of SPHINCS+.  This includes levels 1, 3 and 5 of fast and small optimizations of the SHAKE simple variant . Notably we did not include the robust variant.  We also did not include the SHA256 variant nor the Haraka variant.  Since signatures are fairly large, we did not integrate SPHINCS+ into our TLS 1.3 implementation. SPHINCS+ is more appropriate for other protocols.  For example, code signing. Of course we have full interoperability with the OQS’s OpenSSL fork for X.509 certificates if you enable the variants we support in OQS’s OpenSSL fork. We have instructions for that here:

With the new integrations of Dilithium and SPHINCS+ along with our previous integrations of Kyber and Falcon, we now have coverage of all the algorithms that are moving on from NIST’s PQC Competition to standardization!

P256-kyber hybrid in wolfSSH

Originally we had integrated Saber KEM into wolfSSH, but it had been announced that it will no longer be considered for standardization. As such, instead of removing it from wolfSSH, we decided to replace it with ECDHE over the P-256 curve hybridized with Kyber Level1.  Of course this has full interoperability with OQS’s fork of OpenSSH. Please give it a try by fetching from our wolfSSH github repo!

Blog PQ and DTLS 1.3

Credit goes to Callum McLoughlin of the University of Cantebury, one of our newest contributor to wolfSSL, for enabling post-quantum key exchange KEMs in DTLS 1.3.  He’s done an excellent job making changes and testing them out all while keeping the wolfSSL team informed of his progress.  Thanks so much Callum!

If you want to experiment with post-quantum algorithms in DTLS 1.3 you can find detailed instructions in the pull request at .

If all of this still isn’t enough for you, then show up at our booth at ICMC 2022. Our engineers and business staff would love to talk about post-quantum cryptography with you!

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

wolfssl 5.5.0 release

wolfSSL version 5.5.0 is available now! Say hello to QUIC support. With this release of wolfSSL we have added in QUIC support and can be used with QUIC implementations such as ngtcp2 (; which means wolfSSL can now be used for the TLS portion of HTTP/3 connections in cURL. Along with QUIC support this release saw additions for: RSA-PSS certificate support, Dilithium post quantum algorithm use with TLS, and some additional porting to even more embedded devices to name a few things. In addition to the new features added, there were enhancements to some of the existing ones, such as the expansion of ABI support, along with some fixes like with DTLS 1.3 asynchronous builds.

A full list of changes can be found in the or on the wolfssl website.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

wolfSSL Release 5.5.0 Vulnerabilities

wolfSSL release 5.5.0 contained 4 vulnerability fixes. Most are considered low severity and affect a very small subset of users. 3 of the listed issues were found by external researchers (thanks to their efforts! you can see them mentioned on each of the reports) The last one listed with a potential DTLS DoS attack was found thanks to our internal testing.

CVE ID Severity Description
CVE-2022-38153 Low In wolfSSL version 5.3.0 if compiled with –enable-session-ticket and the client has non-empty session cache, with TLS 1.2 there is the possibility of a man in the middle passing a large session ticket to the client and causing a crash due to an invalid free. There is also the potential for a malicious TLS 1.3 server to crash a client in a similar manner except in TLS 1.3 it is not susceptible to a man in the middle attack. Users on the client side with –enable-session-ticket compiled in and using wolfSSL version 5.3.0 should update their version of wolfSSL. 

Thanks to Max at Trail of Bits for the report and “LORIA, INRIA, France” for research on tlspuffin.

CVE-2022-38152 Low If using wolfSSL_clear to reset a WOLFSSL object (vs the normal wolfSSL_free/wolfSSL_new) it can result in runtime issues. This exists with builds using the wolfSSL compatibility layer (–enable-opnesslextra) and only when the application is making use of wolfSSL_clear instead of SSL_free/SSL_new. In the case of a TLS 1.3 resumption, after continuing to use the WOLFSSH object after having called wolfSSL_clear, an application could crash. It is suggested that users calling wolfSSL_clear update the version of wolfSSL used. 

Thanks to Max at Trail of Bits for the report and “LORIA, INRIA, France” for research on tlspuffin.

N/A Low Fault injection attack on RAM via Rowhammer leads to ECDSA key disclosure. Users doing operations with private ECC keys such as server side TLS connections and creating ECC signatures, who also have hardware that could be targeted with a sophisticated Rowhammer attack should update the version of wolfSSL and compile using the macro WOLFSSL_CHECK_SIG_FAULTS. 

Thanks to Yarkin Doroz, Berk Sunar, Koksal Must, Caner Tol, and Kristi Rahman all affiliated with the Vernam Applied Cryptography and Cybersecurity Lab at Worcester Polytechnic Institute for the report.

N/A Medium Potential DoS attack on DTLS 1.2. In the case of receiving a malicious plaintext handshake message at epoch 0 the connection will enter an error state reporting a duplicate message. This affects both server and client side. Users that have DTLS enabled and in use should update their version of wolfSSL to mitigate the potential for a DoS attack.


If not free’ing FP_ECC caches per thread by calling wc_ecc_fp_free there is a possible memory leak during TLS 1.3 handshakes which use ECC. Users are urged to confirm they are free’ing FP_ECC caches per thread if enabled to avoid this issue. 

For additional vulnerability information visit the vulnerability page at

A full list of what was changed can be found in the wolfSSL ChangeLog (

If you have any questions or run into any issues, contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

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