wolfSSL Xilinx Support

wolfSSL now supports Xilinx SoCs and FPGAs. The wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library can be used with FPGAs which use the MicroBlaze CPU and/or Zynq and Zynq UltraScale+ SoCs. Improved performance speeds with using the hardware crpyto can be seen. Increasing AES-GCM, RSA, and SHA3 operations performance. In addition to the performance gained a user also gets the additional security the hardware provides while executing the algorithms.

For more information contact

Job Posting: Embedded Systems Software Engineer

wolfSSL is a growing company looking to add a top notch embedded systems software engineer to our organization. wolfSSL develops, markets and sells the leading Open Source embedded SSL/TLS protocol implementation, wolfSSL. Our users are primarily building devices or applications that need security. Other products include wolfCrypt embedded cryptography engine, wolfMQTT client library, and wolfSSH.

Job Description:

Currently, we are seeking to add a senior level C software engineer with 5-10 years experience interested in a fun company with tremendous upside. Backgrounds that are useful to our team include networking, security, and hardware optimizations. Assembly experience is a plus. Experience with encryption software is a plus. RTOS experience is a plus.  Experience with hardware-based cryptography is a plus.

Operating environments of particular interest to us include Linux, Windows, Embedded Linux and RTOS varieties (VxWorks, QNX, ThreadX, uC/OS, MQX, FreeRTOS, etc). Experience with mobile environments such as Android and iOS is also a plus, but not required.

Location is flexible. For the right candidate, we’re open to this individual working from virtually any location.

How To Apply

To apply or discuss, please send your resume and cover letter to facts@wolfssl.com.

wolfSSL and ROBOT

wolfSSL is cited in the recent ROBOT Attack by Böck, Somorovsky, and Young.  The paper notes that wolfSSL only gives a weak oracle without a practical attack but this is still a flaw.  We’ve posted a fix for this and a general release will be available next week.  Please note that wolfSSL has disabled static RSA cipher suites by default as of version 3.6.6 because of the lack of perfect forward secrecy.  Only users who have explicitly enabled static RSA cipher suites with WOLFSSL_STATIC_RSA and use those suites on a host are affected.

Contact support@wolfssl.com if you have any questions or concerns.

wolfCrypt/wolfSSL Benchmarks with iPhone 8/8 Plus/X (A11)

We decided to benchmark our wolfCrypt/wolfSSL libraries on Apple’s new A11 processor in their latest iPhone 8 / 8 Plus and iPhone X. This processor features six ARMv8 CPU cores (2 high-performance 2.53GHz and 4 high-efficiency 1.42GHz). The benchmarks use wolfSSL’s latest speedups for ARMv8 crypto extensions and single precision math to demonstrate our exceptional performance.

For symmetric AES and SHA using our ARMv8 crypto assembly speedups we see:

AES-128 CBC Encrypt: 912.347 MB/s (36.58X)
AES-128 CBC Decrypt: 6,084.83 MB/s (256.15X)
AES-128 GCM Encrypt: 1,242.28 MB/s (193.65X)
AES-128 GCM Decrypt: 575.83 MB/s (90.26X)
SHA-256: 1,717.28 MB/s (56.11X)

This feature is enabled using `./configure –enable-armasm` or the `WOLFSSL_ARMASM` define.

For asymmetric RSA, DH and ECC using our single precision math speedups we see:

RSA 2048 public: 1,211.27 ops/sec (1.50X)
RSA 2048 private: 32.59 ops/sec (1.18X)
DH 2048 key gen: 77.44 ops/sec (1.24X)
DH 2048 key agree: 77.45 ops/sec (1.29X)
ECC 256 key gen: 1670.65 ops/sec (8.67X)
ECDHE 256 agree: 396.88 ops/sec (2.05X)
ECDSA 256 sign: 1,212.33 ops/sec (6.42X)
ECDSA 256 verify: 331.02 ops/sec (2.38X)

This feature is enabled using `./configure –enable-sp` or the `WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA`, `WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH` and `WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_ECC` defines.

For TLS v1.2 we see the following performance benchmarks by cipher suite:

DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256: CPS 22.5, Read 388 MB/s, Write 106 MB/s
ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256: CPS 26.2, Read 598 MB/s RX, Write 125 MB/s
ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256: CPS 83.4, Read 504.8 MB/s, Write 92.2 MB/s

Benchmarks done on iPhone X using a single thread and our wolfCrypt and wolfSSL benchmark tools.
`X`= performance increase as compared to our default software based implementation.
`CPS` = Connections per second

You can download the raw benchmark numbers here:

You can find the Xcode iOS benchmark project used here:
Or in the wolfSSL repository in `IDE/XCODE/Benchmarks`

For questions please email us at facts@wolfssl.com.

Securing MySQL (#mysql) with wolfSSL SSL/TLS Library

MySQL logo             wolfSSL logo

MySQL (#mysql) currently comes bundled with yaSSL to provide an option for SSL/TLS connections when using a database. A patch for securing MySQL with the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library is available for MySQL version 8.0.0 here https://github.com/wolfSSL/mysql-patch.

Along with an increased level of security comes the potential to use progressive features offered by wolfSSL – such as TLS 1.3 and ChaCha20 / Poly1305 AEAD cipher suites (ex: ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305). Another great feature is that wolfSSL cryptography is FIPS 140-2 validated! The change from yaSSL to wolfSSL will fit nicely into both Open Source and commercial applications, as it is dual licensed under both GPLv2 and standard commercial license terms.

For more information about the port, or to provide us feedback, contact us at facts@wolfssl.com!

wolfMQTT v0.14 Released

wolfMQTT v0.14 has been released (11/22/17) and includes fixes for non-blocking operation, improved error handling with TLS, fixes for GCC 7 warnings and updates to the Visual Studio projects.

wolfSSL will be at the IoT Tech Expo (Nov 29-30, 2017) in Santa Clara at the convention center. If you are attending please visit our booth #196 and say hello. Our MQTT expert David Garske will be available to answer questions.

wolfMQTT v0.14 Release Notes:

  • Fixed non-blocking connect to check for `EINPROGRESS` for all platforms (not just Harmony).
  • Fixed buffer overflow position check on read/write.
  • Fixed typo on internal packet function `MqttDecode_ConnectAck`.
  • Fixed the socket close for Harmony to use `closesocket`.
  • Fixed non-blocking connect where `WOLFMQTT_NO_STDIO` is defined.
  • Fixed GCC 7’s new fall-through check.
  • Added check for EAGAIN in non-blocking mode (was only EWOULDBLOCK).
  • Added non-blocking support for write operations when `WOLFMQTT_NONBLOCK` is defined.
  • Added support for DH and setting the default minimum key bits.
  • Added support for keep-alive ping when using non-blocking mode.
  • Improvements to example TLS callback handling of return code failures.
  • Improvements and fixes to Visual Studio projects.
  • Enhancement to adjust wolfSSL options.h include based on `WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS`.

You can download the latest release here: https://www.wolfssl.com/download/

wolfMQTT Product Page

For questions please email us at facts@wolfssl.com

TLS v1.3 Draft 21 Support in wolfSSL

The TLS v1.3 specification has been evolving over the year and is close to being finalized. Recently the code changes required to support Draft 21 were added to wolfSSL.

Most browsers and servers on the Internet are stuck on Draft 18. This maximizes interoperability and allows for collection of error rate statistics. wolfSSL is able to be compiled to support TLS v1.3 Draft 18 but also the latest draft version. The Draft 21 changes were quite minor but introduced one wire protocol change: a per-ticket nonce.

Resumption in TLS v1.3 is performed with session tickets. The ticket contains enough information to indicate to the server which session is being resumed. Most often the ticket contains self-encrypted session information. Alternatively, the ticket can be a reference into a session database that identifies the client.

Note that in previous drafts, on resumption, the Resumption Master Secret (RMS) from the original connection is used as the Pre-Shared Key (PSK). The PSK is used to derive the secrets for the new handshake. Therefore all handshakes resumed from the same ticket will have the same secrets unless (EC)DH is used.

Draft 21 adds a nonce to the NewSessionTicket message that is used, with the RMS, to securely derive a unique PSK for a resumption handshake. Multiple single-use resumption tickets can now be sent with the same database reference but a different nonce and be deleted on use. Each resumption ticket produces unique secrets and provides forward-secrecy protection if a PSK is compromised.

As noted above, there are not many other implementations of Draft 21 out there. Client and server interoperability testing with OpenSSL though was performed to ensure compatibility.

Most handshakes performed will be by resumption where possible as they are faster than a full handshake. Improving resumption security therefore is a big plus and makes using the latest updates of wolfSSL a must.

If you have any questions or issues with wolfSSL’s TLS 1.3 implementation, please email us at facts@wolfssl.com, or our support team at support@wolfssl.com.

Overview of Testing in wolfSSL

The security of wolfSSL products is always on our mind and holds high importance.  Conducting regular, diligent, and well-planned testing helps maintain wolfSSL’s robustness and security.  We strive to write and maintain clean, readable, and understandable code.

Like the halting problem, we know it is impossible to test every single possible path through the software, but we practice an approach that is focused on lowering risk of failure. In addition to extensive automated testing, we make sure that we specifically test well-known use cases. This post outlines some of our internal testing process.

  1. API Unit Testing:  We have unit tests in place that test API functions for correct behavior. This helps maintain library consistency across releases and as the code evolves.  It helps us to deliver a high quality, well tested API to our end users with each software release.  API unit tests are run with each “make check” of wolfSSL.

  1. Cipher Suite Testing: wolfSSL supports an extensive list of cipher suites, which are all tested with every “make check” using the wolfSSL example client and example server.  Each cipher suite is tested not only in the default configuration, but also in non-blocking mode and with client authentication both turned on/off.

  1. Algorithm Testing: The security of our SSL/TLS implementation depends on the correctness and robustness of our underlying cryptography library, wolfCrypt.  We test all algorithms using NIST test vectors in addition to running our CAVP test harness used for our FIPS 140-2 validations.  We also test on both big and little endian platforms for portability.

  1. Benchmark Testing: We engage in another ever expanding universe of benchmark testing, where we look at sizing, transmission rates, connection speeds, and cryptography performance.  A version of our benchmark suite is included in every download for users to enjoy!

  1. Static Analysis: We do static analysis on our entire codebase using not only one, but multiple different static analysis tools.  We currently use Coverity Scanclang scan-build, and Facebook infer.  These tools help us to automatically find bugs including ones on low-traffic code paths.

  1. Detecting Memory Errors:  We mitigate memory errors by using valgrind on a regular and automated basis.  This helps find memory errors including invalid access, use of undefined values, incorrect freeing of dynamic memory, and memory leaks.

  1. Interop Testing: We test for interoperability with other Open Source TLS implementations, including OpenSSLBoringSSL, and GnuTLS.  This helps us to catch any protocol implementation errors in either wolfSSL or the implementation being tested against.  We also test outside of a closed environment by connecting to servers in the real world running unknown SSL/TLS implementations.

  1. Real World Builds: We build with a series of ‘real’ applications, like cURLwgetpppdOpenSSHstunnellighttpd, etc.  For some of our customers with top level support, we build new releases with their application.

  1. Compiler Testing: We have users who compile wolfSSL with a variety of different compilers.  As such, we test compiling wolfSSL with many different compilers and toolchains including gcc/g++clangiccVisual StudioCodeWarriorKDSLPCXpressoMPLAB XCTI CCSKeilIARCygwinMinGWCrossWorksArduinoWind River Workbench, and more.

  1. Peer Review: More eyes on a codebase reduces bugs that end up in a final product.  Internally, we operate using a “Fork and Pull Request” model.  This means that every commit that makes it into our master branch has been reviewed and tested by at least two separate engineers.

  1. Third Party Testing: Our code is regularly reviewed by university researchers, customer and user security teams, FIPS and certification labs, and our Open Source user base.  This helps put more eyes on our code and product architecture.

  1. Fuzz Testing: We test using several different software fuzzers, including an in-memory fuzzer, a network fuzzer, OSS-fuzzlibfuzzertlsfuzzer, and AFL.  Fuzz testing bombards the program with invalid, unexpected, and random data that then allows for observing if there is potential memory leaks or logic errors.  This allows us to catch bugs that could turn into potential vulnerabilities if released in a final release.

  2. Protocol Analysis: TLS-Attacker, a Java-based framework for analyzing TLS libraries, helps us analyze that wolfSSL correctly conforms to the SSL/TLS specification.
  1. Continuous Integration (CI): Leveraging Jenkins, we run tests on each commit submitted to the wolfSSL code repository.  Tests run on each commit include testing of our FIPS build, numerous build options (customer/user/common), running valgrind, and doing static analysis with scan-build.

  1. Nightly Test Cycle: Each night we run extended tests that last longer than the typical ones during the work day.  These are more in-depth than our CI testing and puts results in our engineers’ inboxes each morning.  Some tests included in our nightly cycle include extended build option testing on multiple platforms with multiple compilers, and extended fuzz testing.

If you have specific questions about how we test, please contact us at facts@wolfssl.com.  If you would like us to include your SSL/TLS or crypto implementation in our interop testing, please let us know!  Likewise, if you would like to include wolfSSL in your own test framework, we would be happy to discuss.

wolfSSL Test and Benchmark Applications in Non-Standard Environment

Recently the question of building the wolfCrypt test and benchmark applications in a non-standard environment has been asked multiple times to our support team. We wanted to provide a solution for those who might be struggling!  The wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library ships with both of these applications to help users get up and running on their platform with wolfSSL.

The wolfCrypt test application runs algorithm tests on all enabled algorithms to verify they are working correctly on your platform.  This should be the first step taken when porting wolfSSL to a new platform.

The wolfCrypt benchmark application benchmarks cryptography algorithms enabled in wolfSSL.  This gives users an idea of the cryptography library performance for their specific platform and configuration.  This can also be helpful for seeing the performance difference in using software cryptography versus hardware cryptography.

To start let’s cover how you would call the wolfCrypt test or benchmark from your application.

typedef struct func_args {
 int argc;
 char** argv;
 int return_code;
} func_args;

/* ... other code ... */

int main (void)
    /* other function declarations */
    func_args args;

    /* ... system setup and initialization ... */

    /* for wolfcrypt test app: */
    ret = wolfcrypt_test(&args);

    /* for benchmark app: */
    /* ret = benchmark_test(&args); */

    if (ret != 0) {
        printf("wolfCrypt tests failed!\n")
        printf("test returned error code: %d\n", ret);
        printf("the crypto error code was: %d\n", args.return_code);
    } else {
        printf("crypto tests PASSED!\n");

    while (1)
        /* Application code TODO: Logic here */

In addition to the porting and tuning guides found at the links below, there may be some other items to add to your settings before the wolfCrypt tests or benchmark will run.

wolfSSL Porting Guide
wolfSSL Tuning Guide

Items not covered in the porting and tuning guide include:

  • NO_64BIT
  • ECC_USER_CURVES (and related defines)

And while the fastmath vs normal math libraries are covered, we wanted to expand on that explanation here, highlighting the difference between fastmath (uses more stack and less heap) versus the normal math library (uses more heap and less stack).

Please feel free to use these defines as a starting point when porting the wolfCrypt test application (<wolfssl-root>/wolcrypt/test/test.c) and wolfCrypt benchmark application (<wolfssl-root>/wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.c) to your non-standard environment!

/* Other defines as determined from the wolfSSL porting guide found here:
 * https://wolfssl.com/wolfSSL/Docs-wolfssl-porting-guide.html

/* Purpose: 
 * If running the wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.c
 * app will reduce stack use for embedded devices

/* Purpose:
 * Embedded systems already have a main method typically
 * will remove the "main" in benchmark.c and test.c

/* Purpose:
 * If working on a 32-bit system, it will sometimes use 2x 32-bit types to execute 64-bit
 * math operations which greatly slows down computation time. This define can speeds
 * things up. Commented by default, uncomment if computation speeds are too slow.
/* #define NO_64BIT */

/* Begin RSA Section */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */

/* Uncomment the define for NO_RSA to remove RSA */
/* #define NO_RSA */

#ifndef NO_RSA
    #error "Please set RSA key size then comment out or delete this line."
    /* XXXX should be "2048" for 2048 bit RSA keys
     * XXXX should be "1024" for 1024 bit RSA keys
     * IE choose one of the following to uncomment
    /* #define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048 */
    /* #define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024 */

     * the certificate buffers can be found in <wolfssl-root>/wolfssl/test_certs.h

    /* Purpose:
     * To reduce stack based on RSA key size chosen
    #ifdef USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024
        #define FP_MAX_BITS 2048 /* (RSA key size selected x2) */
    #elif defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048)
        #define FP_MAX_BITS 4096
    #endif /* USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024 */
#endif /* NO_RSA */

/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* End File System and RSA section */

/* Begin ECC Section */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */

/* Purpose:
 * enable ECC. Comment to remove ECC
#define HAVE_ECC

#ifdef HAVE_ECC
    #define ECC_TIMING_RESISTANT /* See explenation for TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT */
    #define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_256 /* for ecc, see File System and RSA Section above */

    /* the certificate buffers can be found in <wolfssl-root>/wolfssl/test_certs.h

    /* Purpose:
     * Reduce ECC memory use
    #define ALT_ECC_SIZE

    /* Purpose:
     * Only allow for 256-bit ecc keys by default. To remove support for 256-bit ECC keys
     * uncomment the next line.
    /* #define NO_ECC256 */
     * A list of supported ECC curves is included below, uncomment as desired.
     * For other ECC defines see <wolfssl-root>/wolfcrypt/src/ecc.c
    #define ECC_USER_CURVES

    /* #define HAVE_ECC112 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC128 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC160 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC192 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC224 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC239 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC320 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC384 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC512 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC521 */

#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* End ECC Section */

If you have any other questions or comments on this or anything else please contact us!


wolfSSL Intel SGX Support and Testing

Providing Secure, Well-Tested SGX Integration with wolfSSL and wolfCrypt

Did you know that wolfSSL has support for Intel SGX?  Not only do we have support for SGX, but we do continuous integration testing on that support to offer our users a more robust and mature solution. This means that every night a process starts up and runs unit tests on crypto operations in a secure SGX enclave. Here’s a peek at some of the on going tests in action:

LINK => App
GEN => trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.c
CC <= trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.c
cc -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -std=c11 -m64 -O2 -nostdinc -fvisibility=hidden -fpie -fstack-protector -IInclude -Itrusted -I../..// -I../..//wolfcrypt/ -I/opt/intel/sgxsdk/include -I/opt/intel/sgxsdk/include/tlibc -I/opt/intel/sgxsdk/include/stlport-fno-builtin -fno-builtin-printf -I. -DWOLFSSL_SGX -DHAVE_WOLFSSL_TEST -c trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.c -o trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.o
CC <= trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.c
-m64 -O2 -Wl,--no-undefined -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -nostartfiles -L/opt/intel/sgxsdk/lib64 -L../../IDE/LINUX-SGX/ -lwolfssl.sgx.static.lib -Wl,--whole-archive -lsgx_trts -Wl,--no-whole-archive -Wl,--start-group -lsgx_tstdc -lsgx_tstdcxx -lsgx_tcrypto -lsgx_tservice -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-pie,-eenclave_entry -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,--defsym,__ImageBase=0 -Wl,--version-script=trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.lds@
LINK => Wolfssl_Enclave.so


SIGN => Wolfssl_Enclave.signed.so
+ ./App -t
Crypt Test:
error test passed!
base64 test passed!
base64 test passed!
MD5 test passed!
MD4 test passed!
SHA test passed!
SHA-256 test passed!
Hash test passed!
HMAC-MD5 test passed!
HMAC-SHA test passed!
HMAC-SHA256 test passed!
GMAC test passed!
ARC4 test passed!
HC-128 test passed!
Rabbit test passed!
DES test passed!
DES3 test passed!
AES test passed!
AES192 test passed!
AES256 test passed!
AES-GCM test passed!
RANDOM test passed!
RSA test passed!
DH test passed!
DSA test passed!
PWDBASED test passed!
ECC test passed!
ECC buffer test passed!
mutex test passed!
memcb test passed!
Crypt Test: Return code 0

If you are interested in using wolfSSL or wolfCrypt inside a secure Intel SGX enclave, let us know at facts@wolfssl.com.  We can provide you with full details of our current support and evaluation information.  We can also help answer questions about users interested in FIPS 140-2 cryptography support inside an SGX enclave environment.

Curious about why wolfSSL is the most well-tested SSL/TLS library available today?  Get the details here!

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