Package com.wolfssl

Interface WolfSSLVerifyCallback

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface WolfSSLVerifyCallback
    wolfSSL Verify Callback Interface. This interface specifies how applicaitons should implement the verify callback class to be used by wolfSSL during the handshake process.

    After implementing this interface, it should be passed as a parameter to the WolfSSLContext.setVerify() method to be registered with the native wolfSSL library.

    1.0, August 2013
    • Method Detail

      • verifyCallback

        int verifyCallback​(int preverify_ok,
                           long x509StorePtr)
        Verify callback method. This method acts as the verify callback to be used during the SSL/TLS handshake. It is called when verification of the peer certificate fails. Note that peer verification must be turned on.
        preverify_ok - indicates if verification of the peer certificate already passed. 0 if failed, 1 if passed.
        x509StorePtr - pointer to the context used for certificate chain verification.
        0 if the verification process should stop immediately with an error. 1 if the verification process should continue with the rest of the handshake.