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camellia.h File Reference

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int wc_CamelliaSetKey (Camellia *cam, const byte *key, word32 len, const byte *iv)
 This function sets the key and initialization vector for a camellia object, initializing it for use as a cipher. More...
int wc_CamelliaSetIV (Camellia *cam, const byte *iv)
 This function sets the initialization vector for a camellia object. More...
int wc_CamelliaEncryptDirect (Camellia *cam, byte *out, const byte *in)
 This function does a one-block encrypt using the provided camellia object. It parses the first 16 byte block from the buffer in and stores the encrypted result in the buffer out. Before using this function, one should initialize the camellia object using wc_CamelliaSetKey. More...
int wc_CamelliaDecryptDirect (Camellia *cam, byte *out, const byte *in)
 This function does a one-block decrypt using the provided camellia object. It parses the first 16 byte block from the buffer in, decrypts it, and stores the result in the buffer out. Before using this function, one should initialize the camellia object using wc_CamelliaSetKey. More...
int wc_CamelliaCbcEncrypt (Camellia *cam, byte *out, const byte *in, word32 sz)
 This function encrypts the plaintext from the buffer in and stores the output in the buffer out. It performs this encryption using Camellia with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). More...
int wc_CamelliaCbcDecrypt (Camellia *cam, byte *out, const byte *in, word32 sz)
 This function decrypts the ciphertext from the buffer in and stores the output in the buffer out. It performs this decryption using Camellia with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). More...