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sakke.h File Reference

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int wc_InitSakkeKey (SakkeKey *key, void *heap, int devId)
int wc_InitSakkeKey_ex (SakkeKey *key, int keySize, int curveId, void *heap, int devId)
void wc_FreeSakkeKey (SakkeKey *key)
int wc_MakeSakkeKey (SakkeKey *key, WC_RNG *rng)
int wc_MakeSakkePublicKey (SakkeKey *key, ecc_point *pub)
int wc_MakeSakkeRsk (SakkeKey *key, const byte *id, word16 idSz, ecc_point *rsk)
int wc_ValidateSakkeRsk (SakkeKey *key, const byte *id, word16 idSz, ecc_point *rsk, int *valid)
int wc_GenerateSakkeRskTable (const SakkeKey *key, const ecc_point *rsk, byte *table, word32 *len)
int wc_ExportSakkeKey (SakkeKey *key, byte *data, word32 *sz)
int wc_ImportSakkeKey (SakkeKey *key, const byte *data, word32 sz)
int wc_ExportSakkePrivateKey (SakkeKey *key, byte *data, word32 *sz)
int wc_ImportSakkePrivateKey (SakkeKey *key, const byte *data, word32 sz)
int wc_EncodeSakkeRsk (const SakkeKey *key, ecc_point *rsk, byte *out, word32 *sz, int raw)
int wc_DecodeSakkeRsk (const SakkeKey *key, const byte *data, word32 sz, ecc_point *rsk)
int wc_ImportSakkeRsk (SakkeKey *key, const byte *data, word32 sz)
int wc_ExportSakkePublicKey (SakkeKey *key, byte *data, word32 *sz, int raw)
int wc_ImportSakkePublicKey (SakkeKey *key, const byte *data, word32 sz, int trusted)
int wc_GetSakkeAuthSize (SakkeKey *key, word16 *authSz)
int wc_SetSakkeIdentity (SakkeKey *key, const byte *id, word16 idSz)
int wc_MakeSakkePointI (SakkeKey *key, const byte *id, word16 idSz)
int wc_GetSakkePointI (SakkeKey *key, byte *data, word32 *sz)
int wc_SetSakkePointI (SakkeKey *key, const byte *id, word16 idSz, const byte *data, word32 sz)
int wc_GenerateSakkePointITable (SakkeKey *key, byte *table, word32 *len)
int wc_SetSakkePointITable (SakkeKey *key, byte *table, word32 len)
int wc_ClearSakkePointITable (SakkeKey *key)
int wc_MakeSakkeEncapsulatedSSV (SakkeKey *key, enum wc_HashType hashType, byte *ssv, word16 ssvSz, byte *auth, word16 *authSz)
int wc_GenerateSakkeSSV (SakkeKey *key, WC_RNG *rng, byte *ssv, word16 *ssvSz)
int wc_SetSakkeRsk (SakkeKey *key, const ecc_point *rsk, byte *table, word32 len)
int wc_DeriveSakkeSSV (SakkeKey *key, enum wc_HashType hashType, byte *ssv, word16 ssvSz, const byte *auth, word16 authSz)