int wc_InitSha384(wc_Sha384 *)
This function initializes SHA384. This is automatically called by wc_Sha384Hash.
int wc_Sha512Update(wc_Sha512 *sha, const byte *data, word32 len)
Can be called to continually hash the provided byte array of length len.
int wc_Sha384Update(wc_Sha384 *sha, const byte *data, word32 len)
Can be called to continually hash the provided byte array of length len.
int wc_InitSha512(wc_Sha512 *)
This function initializes SHA512. This is automatically called by wc_Sha512Hash.
int wc_Sha512Final(wc_Sha512 *sha512, byte *hash)
Finalizes hashing of data. Result is placed into hash.
int wc_Sha384Final(wc_Sha384 *sha384, byte *hash)
Finalizes hashing of data. Result is placed into hash.