Eclipse Mosquitto Broker with wolfSSL

The wolfSSL team has expanded our Open Source Projects repository with a port for Mosquitto, an open source MQTT broker. Mosquitto users can benefit from wolfSSL’s lightweight SSL/TLS library.

Why should you use wolfSSL with Mosquitto?

  • Portability across platforms and OS/RTOS environments
  • Low/optimized memory use (runtime and footprint)
  • Best-tested SSL/TLS/crypto implementation available, reducing vulnerabilities
  • Current protocol support, up to TLS 1.3
  • Progressive algorithm support (ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve/Ed25519, etc)
  • Commercial support available direct from wolfSSL engineers
  • Commercial licenses available (in addition to standard GPLv2)

To use the Mosquitto port, follow the instructions in the patch file.

Set up wolfSSL

git clone
cd wolfssl
./configure --enable-mosquitto
make install

Set up Eclipse Mosquitto

git clone
cd mosquitto
git checkout v2.0.18
patch -p1 < 
make WITH_TLS=wolfssl
make WITH_TLS=wolfssl test

Let us know what you think! We plan to add support for CMake builds. If you are interested or have questions about any of the above, please contact us at or +1 425 245 8247.

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