Topic: wolfSSL on pic24
how to load wolfSSL embedded SSL directory on pic24fj256da210 development me..
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → wolfSSL on pic24
how to load wolfSSL embedded SSL directory on pic24fj256da210 development me..
We haven't tested wolfSSL on the PIC24 in house, but have had users run wolfSSL on a 16-bit platform before. When compiling wolfSSL, you can define SIZEOF_LONG and SIZEOF_LONG_LONG to match your platform's sizeof(long) and sizeof(long long).
Have you tried this?
Best Regards,
wolfSSL has tested on a PIC24 using the custom I/O Callbacks to perform a TLS connection over UART Serial.
The changes necessary to get the test running are in a temporary branch here: … g?expand=1
PIC24 is not supported out-of-the box at this time but if there are any customers interested in seeing out of the box support added for pic24 or 16-bit MCU please shoot us an email at or to let us know about your need.
Test was performed on an EXPLORER 16/32 using a PIC24FJ1024GB610 Plug in Module (PIM).
Cipher suites that were successfully tested are:
AES128-SHA - (Static RSA cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA)
Test scenario was:
Client running on the PIC24
Server running on a host machine connected by UART Serial full-duplex
Client and server were able to successfully perform a TLS handshake and pass encrypted application data over the UART serial connection.
- KH
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → wolfSSL on pic24
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