Topic: wolfSSL support C-function recvmsg() ?
I was wondering if wolfSSL support SSL equivalent call similar to C-function recvmsg()?
K Han
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → wolfSSL support C-function recvmsg() ?
I was wondering if wolfSSL support SSL equivalent call similar to C-function recvmsg()?
K Han
Hi khan92,
The equivalent API call in wolfSSL is defined in <wolfssl-root>/wolfssl/ssl.h:
WOLFSSL_API int wolfSSL_read(WOLFSSL*, void*, int);
For simple examples that demonstrate this API in use please see our example client/server here: … rver-tls.c … ient-tls.c
Kaleb J. Himes,
Thank you for the reply.
I am aware of wolfSSL_read is equivalent to C-function read().
wolfSSL uses the underlying C-function read() and write() for SSL/TLS and readfrom() and writeto() for DTLS.
However, I am looking for the equivalent of readmsg() C-function. Maybe I will try to ask this question in a different way: is there anyway that I am able to retrieve the msghdr struct in wolfSSL, in which that struct is retrieved from calling C-function recvmsg().
My impression from reading SSL manual is that wolfSSL has supported 2 out of 3 C-function that receives a message from a socket, which are recv() and recvfrom() (linux manpage
Thank you for your time. I appreciate your help.
Hi khan92,
My apologies, I will also try to be clearer:
wolfSSL takes every effort to support any operating system and environment. We also make an effort to provide functionality that will allow any OS/environ we do not currently support, to be ported somewhat easily. To facilitate this portability, by default wolfSSL uses what is called a Custom In/Out Callback function(CustomIOCallback). The call chain is like this:
wolfSSL_read ->wolfSSL_read_internal -> ReceiveData -> (various paths) -> GetInputData -> Receive -> CustomIOCallback
You can register any custom IO callback you want to with the API's:
wolfSSL_SetIORecv(ctx, <your custom Receive function name here>);
wolfSSL_SetIOSend(ctx, <your custom Send function name here>);
So to have wolfSSL_read be the equivalent of ANY input functionality, you write your custom IO receive callback to use the desired input functionality. In this case you desire wolfSSL_read to use a custom callback that calls readmsg() instead of some other input function.
I just opened a PR yesterday with example client and servers where wolfSSL_read actually reads out of a file and wolfSSL_write writes to a file. The client and server perform a TLS connection through the file system instead of using sockets. These examples are currently in a PR but should soon be merged. Please feel free to use them as a guide for your work.
Warmest Regards,
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → wolfSSL support C-function recvmsg() ?
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