1° is ant/ant-junit4.jar a file or I should have ant-junit4.jar file in a directory ant of the JUNIT_HOME : usr/share/java/ant/ant-junit4.jar ?
In this case, "ant/" is a subdirectory under JUNIT_HOME, which then contains "ant-junit4.jar".
2° in which file is the JUNIT_HOME environment variable set? is it in etc/environment file or in the bashrc file ?
/etc/environment sets variables system-wide, whereas .bashrc will set it only for your user. You can also set it manually when you open a shell using:
export JUNIT_HOME=/path/to/junit/dir
3° What does indicate the error number (i.e 146 in the error message "BUILD FAILED /home/pitt/wolfssl-jni-1.3.0/build.xml:146: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.) after doing some changes I get 146 or 140 or 91,...
When WolfSSLTestSuite fails, there should be a report file generated at:
Can you inspect that file and share what it tells you?