Hi dodge55,
The enums correspond to the RFC 3546 Section 3.2 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3546.txt)
In order to negotiate smaller maximum fragment lengths, clients MAY
include an extension of type "max_fragment_length" in the (extended)
client hello. The "extension_data" field of this extension SHALL
2^9(1), 2^10(2), 2^11(3), 2^12(4), (255)
} MaxFragmentLength;
whose value is the desired maximum fragment length. The allowed
values for this field are: 2^9, 2^10, 2^11, and 2^12
wolfSSL enums are defined in the <wolf-root>/wolfssl/ssl.h header file (see below):
/* Fragment lengths */
enum {
WOLFSSL_MFL_2_9 = 1, /* 512 bytes */
WOLFSSL_MFL_2_10 = 2, /* 1024 bytes */
WOLFSSL_MFL_2_11 = 3, /* 2048 bytes */
WOLFSSL_MFL_2_12 = 4, /* 4096 bytes */
WOLFSSL_MFL_2_13 = 5 /* 8192 bytes *//* wolfSSL ONLY!!! */
wolfSSL provides the 5th option but that is unique to wolfSSL as indicated by the comment and would only work with wolfSSL on both ends of the connection. Options 1-4 are RFC and should work with any server that supports the extension IF the server implemented it correctly.
You would send either the "0x0001" or "0x0002"... etc.
Let me know if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help.