Topic: utasker 1.4 integration
I'm trying to integrate wolfssl with utasker 1.4 - the instructions seem to be out of date and cause major compile problems. Does anyone know how to get the present wolfssl GPL branch working? Thanks
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → utasker 1.4 integration
I'm trying to integrate wolfssl with utasker 1.4 - the instructions seem to be out of date and cause major compile problems. Does anyone know how to get the present wolfssl GPL branch working? Thanks
Hi lum,
Could you tell me a little about the project you are working on and interest in uTasker 1.4 support? In the meantime I will check with our team here at wolfSSL and see if we have any developers that have worked or been working on uTasker recently.
Warmest Regards,
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → utasker 1.4 integration
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