Topic: Running wolfssl on GPU

I am interested in running the wolfssl library on a GPU. I haven’t  been able to find any information on this, so I am not sure it is possible. I would appreciate some guidance.



Re: Running wolfssl on GPU

Hi david.ruiz,

wolfSSL is currently ported to two GPU frameworks, Cuda and OpenCL. Cuda was created by Nvidia, and would be used to write programs for their graphics cards. OpenCL was created by the Khronos Group, and would be used to write programs for a wider range of units (not only GPUs).

More information on CUDA:
More information on OpenCL:


Re: Running wolfssl on GPU

Thanks.  When launching ./configure utility, I set compiler to be nvcc for CUDA and then make and make install and compiles without any errors.

Is that what ported to CUDA framework mean?  Is there any example on how to run some sections of the provided examples on a GPU?

Thanks again


Re: Running wolfssl on GPU

Hi david.ruiz,

I checked internally on some applications that could be run on some GPUs and just found out that we actually DO NOT support CUDA and OpenCL frameworks. We have had interest in the past on running wolfSSL on GPUs and so we had done a small amount of work porting wolfSSL to GPUs, but had never actually completed any ports.

Do you mind if I ask what you're interested in using wolfSSL for on a GPU?

Sorry about that misinformation before.
Thank you!


Re: Running wolfssl on GPU

it is a bit of a pet project of mine. I have some cryto functions for some authentication protocol and I want to benchmark performance under different architectures and see if there is any advantage on running it with a GPU.


Re: Running wolfssl on GPU

Old forum thread... but for anyone coming here looking for OpenCL support, we recently added in some support in this github pull request ( david.ruiz if you still have the pet project going please give that a shot.
