Topic: WolfSSL with ATECC508A on STM32F0
I'm trying to use WolfSSL on the STM32F0 using the acceleration from ATECC508A. The stm32f0discovery dev board I am using is very memory limited, (64kb flash, 8kb RAM) and it seems it' not even within the default WolfSSL STM32 possible configurations (the lowest is STM32F1).
Anyways, I added some headers for it, I build it and wrote a HAL for the cryptauthlib on STM32.
My questions now are:
1) Would WolfSSL be able to fit in such a small footprint device? I intend to use it for DTLS.
2) I'm having some issues with the initialization for the ATECC508A, I have communication with the chip for sure, I see message-response flying through the bus lines that make sense, but in the call to atmel_init_enc_key(), the write request happens (I get ack on the bus) but the response is negative, with WC_HW_E (getting translated from atcab layer error ATCA_EXECUTION_ERROR) - it seems that the chip us unable to write the key that comes from WolfSSL. Anybody have any experience with this?