Hello! Thank you for your reply. I am not looking for a bootloader at this point, although it is good to know about wolfBoot. The use case I am working on is 'secure boot'. Ensuring that only legitimate firmware is booted when the device is powered. I am the one working on this. Firmware update is also a legitimate use case for this.
I have had some luck [since my initial post on this forum] using the wolfSSL APIs but as of now, I am seeing a -229 (SIG_VERIFY_E) error upon calling wc_SignatureVerify(..).
The issue I see is quite similar to the one described here -
https://www.wolfssl.com/forums/topic891 … alues.html
Could you please tell me what the final resolution to the problem [that thomas.cornu reported] was? I haven't compared the bytes in the two hashes but I do see that the return value from wc_RsaSSL_Verify() call is 51 (vs. 32 for the hash it is being compared against).
Below is a close representation of what the code looks like....
ret = wolfSSL_Init();
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
/*failed to initialize wolfSSL library*/
/* open and read DER-formatted cert into buffer */
file = fopen("./cert.der", "rb");
if (!file)
while(1); // error reading certificate file
derCertSz = fread(derCert, 1, sizeof(derCert), file);
wolfSSL_X509_d2i(&certificate, derCert, derCertSz); //wolfSSL_X509_load_certificate_file(CERT_FILE, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1);
pubKeyTmp = wolfSSL_X509_get_pubkey(certificate);
if (certificate != NULL) {
} else {
return 0;
/* initialize DecodedCert with DER cert */
InitDecodedCert(&cert, derCert, derCertSz, 0);
if (ret != 0)
while(1); // ParseCert failed
/* extract the public key from the cert */
wc_InitRsaKey(&pubKey, NULL);
ret = wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode((byte*)pubKeyTmp->pkey.ptr, &idx, &pubKey, pubKeyTmp->pkey_sz);
if (ret != 0)
while(1); // RsaPublicKeyDecode failed
/* Copy the binary into a buffer */
appFilePtr = fopen("./app.bin", "rb");
filelen = ftell(appFilePtr);
buffer = (char *)malloc((filelen)*sizeof(char));
/* Verify signature */
ret = wc_SignatureVerify(WC_HASH_TYPE_SHA256, WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_RSA, buffer, filelen, cert.signature, cert.sigLength, &pubKey, sizeof(pubKey));
if (ret == 0)
printf("PASS: %d", ret);
printf("FAIL: %d", ret);
The result I see is - FAIL: -229
What might I need to do differently?