Topic: Raw Koblitz PrivateKey to ecc_key?

Apologies if this has been answered here before..

I'm having trouble figuring out how to create an`ecc_key` from a Raw Koblitz/SECP256K1 PrivateKey 32-byte-array.

I'm able to generate new keypairs and perform Ecdsa signing operations just fine,
but I'm absolutely stumped on how I can get an `ecc_key` from a raw privateKey.

My use case doesn't involve cert files, and typically sees the privateKey being derived from a Sha256 hash of a given input.

const char *passphrase = "this is a top secret passphrase";

// Sha256(passphrase) -> privateKey[32];

// pkHex = "d8839c2432bfd0a67ef10a804ba991eabba19f154a3d707917681d45822a5712"
const uint8_t privateKey[32] = { 216, 131, 156, 36, 50, 191, 208, 166, 126, 241, 10, 128, 75, 169, 145, 234, 187, 161, 159, 21, 74, 61, 112, 121, 23, 104, 29, 69, 130, 42, 87, 18 };

ecc_key key;

//  <-- Where my brain throws an exception and I stare blankly at the API


Re: Raw Koblitz PrivateKey to ecc_key?

Hi @sleepdefic1t,

Thanks for reaching out to wolfSSL. To get you started down the correct path I would suggest looking at wc_PBKD2. This is a password based key derivation function.

You could use it to generate ECC k value and then read k in with

ret = mp_read_unsigned_bin(&key->k, key, keySz);)

NOTE: You will want to add a sanity check that the generated K is less than the curve order (See "ecc_set_type" in ecc.h)

Next you'll need to call


to make the public portion of the key.

Finally since you are using any old passphrase and hashing it, using the hash to generate K with password based key derivation and then reading that into the key you can't really be sure that it's a valid K that lands somewhere on the curve right? So now you'll want to check the key you created is valid. For that use


. Fail condition is if wc_ecc_check_key fails, need to either ask user for new input or come up with a method for adjusting the hash of the user input when used to generate K will more consistently fall on the curve.

Hope this helps.

Warm Regards,


Re: Raw Koblitz PrivateKey to ecc_key?


Thank you for the advice!

I had some time to loop back around and see what I can come up with.

I'm able to import the PrivateKey successfully, but am not able to generate Signatures deterministically.

I'm using RFC6979, and I am able to generate the nonce32 successfully.

The PrivateKey is now importing successfully.

Making the PublicKey appears to complete successfully as `wc_ecc_check_key` passes.

Signing and Verifying are successful, but the signatures are non-deterministic/change with every run.

No signatures have matched my test fixtures, which pass on libs like SECP256K1, BCrypto, BCL, etc.

Here's the example method I'm working on.

int signEcdsa(const uint8_t *hash32, const uint8_t* privateKeyBytes, uint8_t *outSignature) {
    WC_RNG      rng;
    byte*       keyBuf = (byte*)privateKeyBytes;
    ecc_key     keys;

    int ret     = 0;

    byte nonce32[32];
    nonce_function_rfc6979(nonce32,hash32, privateKeyBytes);
    // for (uint8_t i = 0U; i < 32; ++i) {
    //     printf("%02x", nonce32[i]);
    // }
    // nonce32: f698e12b30c6b7f3f44af3400c870911e8083061d7a0220df010efb97f560fc8

    ret = wc_InitRngNonce(&rng, nonce32, 32);
    printf("\nwc_InitRngNonce | ret: %d\n", ret);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;

    ret = wc_ecc_init(&keys);
    printf("\nwc_ecc_init | ret: %d\n", ret);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;

    ret = wc_ecc_import_private_key(privateKeyBytes, 32, NULL, 0, &keys);
    printf("\nwc_ecc_import_private_key | ret: %d\n", ret);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;

    // byte eccPrivKeyBuf[ECC_BUFSIZE];
    // word32 pkLen = 32;
    // ret = wc_ecc_export_private_only(&keys, eccPrivKeyBuf, &pkLen);
    // if (ret != 0) {
    //     printf("\nwc_ecc_export_private_only - ret: %d\n", ret);
    //     return ret;
    // }
    // for (uint8_t i = 0U; i < 32; ++i) {
    //     printf("%02x", eccPrivKeyBuf[i]);
    // }
    // privateKey Hex: d8839c2432bfd0a67ef10a804ba991eabba19f154a3d707917681d45822a5712

    ret = wc_ecc_make_pub(&keys, &keys.pubkey);
    printf("\nwc_ecc_make_pub | ret: %d\n", ret);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;

    ret = wc_ecc_check_key(&keys);
    printf("\nwc_ecc_check_key | ret: %d\n", ret);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;

    word32 sigLen = 72;
    ret = wc_ecc_sign_hash(hash32, 32, outSignature, &sigLen, &rng, &keys);
    printf("\nwc_ecc_sign_hash | ret %d | sigLen %d\n", ret, sigLen);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;

    int is_valid_sig = 0;
    ret = wc_ecc_verify_hash(outSignature, sigLen, hash32, 32, &is_valid_sig, &keys);
    printf("\nwc_ecc_verify_hash | ret %d | is_valid_sig %d\n", ret, is_valid_sig);
    if (ret != 0) {
        return ret;


    return ret;

There are a lot more checks that would need to be in place in a final implementation, but I have no idea where to go next.

Thank you again, and I'm open to any advice!!


4 (edited by Kaleb J. Himes 2019-10-31 15:52:32)

Re: Raw Koblitz PrivateKey to ecc_key?

Hi @sleepdefic1t,

I'm able to import the PrivateKey successfully, but am not able to generate Signatures deterministically.

Great! That indicates it is working. If the signature were deterministic that would be cause for concern.

ECC (unlike RSA) does not produce the same output every time, nor does it produce the same length every time! ECC signatures can vary by as much as 5-bytes (sometime more). IE you might sign the same data 100 times and see signatures that range from 70 - 75 bytes in length. This is expected and common with ECC. I see you are already doing a sanity check using the verify to double-check the signature, that is good! Below are a series of signature generation/verification calls on the same exact input data I ran locally. (You can also use a third party verify operation if you want to triple check it.)

Hexdump: Signature of length 71
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 70
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 72
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 70
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 71
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!

Warm Regards,