Topic: AES-NI and Intel SGX

When does WolfSSL plan to leverage AES-NI within their Intel SGX library? Just wondering. Right now, I'm forced to use a mixture of SGX SSL and WolfSSL, since SGX SSL has AES-NI support, but WolfSSL has better asymmetric support, but I'd rather have to deal with just one crypto module if possible.


Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX


Thank you so much for inquiring. By default aesni is not enabled in SGX but you should be able to turn it on by adding the appropriate defines in Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags section of:


The setting to add would be:

Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX
Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags += -DWOLFSSL_AESNI # Add this setting to enable AESNI support

Let us know if you have any trouble getting it setup.

Warm Regards,


Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX

Kaleb J. Himes wrote:


Thank you so much for inquiring. By default aesni is not enabled in SGX but you should be able to turn it on by adding the appropriate defines in Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags section of:


The setting to add would be:

Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX
Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags += -DWOLFSSL_AESNI # Add this setting to enable AESNI support

Let us know if you have any trouble getting it setup.

Warm Regards,


Thank you. Is the WOLFSSL_AESNI define one of my different defines that I should include if I want to enable certain other features (i.e. when I ran the ./configure executable from the root of WolfSSL, I specified the following flags:

--enable-aesccm --enable-aesctr --enable-aesofb --enable-aescfb --enable-aesni --enable-intelasm --enable-intelrand --enable-keygen --enable-certgen --enable-certreq --enable-certext --enable-hkdf --enable-x963kdf --enable-curve25519 --enable-ed25519 --enable-psk --enable-aeskeywrap

Do I have to include similar flags as -DWOLFSSL_AESNI for each of the flags above?


4 (edited by abbey_chase 2020-04-22 18:40:35)

Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX

Kaleb J. Himes wrote:


Thank you so much for inquiring. By default aesni is not enabled in SGX but you should be able to turn it on by adding the appropriate defines in Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags section of:


The setting to add would be:

Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX
Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags += -DWOLFSSL_AESNI # Add this setting to enable AESNI support

Let us know if you have any trouble getting it setup.

Warm Regards,


BTW, if I specify -DWOLFSSL_AESNI, the I get compiler errors because the following include statements all fail because the associated files do no exist anywhere in the WolfSSL tree structure

#include <wmmintrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <smmintrin.h>

Also, according to … LINUX-SGX, at the bottom of the instruction it reads that AES-NI instructions for SGX haven't been added yet. Is that a misprint?


Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX


No not at all! In fact that is exactly what ./configure is doing when you tell configure to "--enable-aesni" the configure script writes the option "#define WOLFSSL_AESNI" into the file "options.h" which is then consumed by the wolfSSL library to know the build settings to use.

Since SGX is using a makefile you just have to specify the same flags the ./configure script would output. So if you want SGX library to have the same settings as the configure you ran you can first run ./configure with the desired settings. Open wolfssl/options.h and copy each #define line into the SGX makefiles with a "-D" prepended instead of "#define ". (NOTE you have to update all three makefiles, the library and the two makefiles for the examples trusted and untrusted ( == sgx trusted makefile and == sgx untrusted makefile).

Warm Regards,



Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX

Issue with Building wolfCrypt in SGX Enclave using WOLFSSL_AESNI 

Hi everyone, 

I'm trying to test wolfCrypt inside an SGX enclave but am running into build issues when enabling the WOLFSSL_AESNI option. 

Local Modifications 

Changes in wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable 

diff --git a/IDE/LINUX-SGX/ b/IDE/LINUX-SGX/
index 1941bae..3059f7d 100644
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ endif
 Crypto_Library_Name := sgx_tcrypto
-Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX
+Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX -DUSE_INTEL_SPEEDUP -DWOLFSSL_AESNI -maes -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/include


Changes in wolfssl_examples 

diff --git a/SGX_Linux/ b/SGX_Linux/
index 7153aa3..016aba1 100644
--- a/SGX_Linux/
+++ b/SGX_Linux/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ endif
 Crypto_Library_Name := sgx_tcrypto

-Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX
+Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX -DUSE_INTEL_SPEEDUP -DWOLFSSL_AESNI -maes -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/include


diff --git a/SGX_Linux/ b/SGX_Linux/
index b5792f1..cb0cdc8 100644
--- a/SGX_Linux/
+++ b/SGX_Linux/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ else
        Urts_Library_Name := sgx_urts

-Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX
+Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags := -DWOLFSSL_SGX -DUSE_INTEL_SPEEDUP -DWOLFSSL_AESNI -maes -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/include


Error During Build 

When running make all, I get the following error: 

wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:349:6: warning: #warning "No configuration for wolfSSL detected, check header order" [-Wcpp]
     #warning "No configuration for wolfSSL detected, check header order"


And later: 

make -ef all
make[3]: Entering directory 'wolfssl_examples/SGX_Linux'
GEN  =>  trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.c
In file included from wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/wolfssl/ssl.h:33,
                 from trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.h:9,
                 from trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.c:1:
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:349:6: warning: #warning "No configuration for wolfSSL detected, check header order" [-Wcpp]
     #warning "No configuration for wolfSSL detected, check header order"
CC   <=  trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.c
cc -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -std=c99 -m64 -O2 -nostdinc -fvisibility=hidden -fpie -fstack-protector -IInclude -Itrusted -Iwolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/ -Iwolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/wolfcrypt/ -I/opt/intel/sgxsdk/include -I/opt/intel/sgxsdk/include/tlibc -I/opt/intel/sgxsdk/include/stlport-fno-builtin -fno-builtin-printf -I. -DWOLFSSL_SGX -DUSE_INTEL_SPEEDUP -DWOLFSSL_AESNI -maes -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/include -c trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.c -o trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.o
In file included from wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/wolfssl/ssl.h:33,
                 from trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave_t.h:9,
                 from trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.c:25:
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:349:6: warning: #warning "No configuration for wolfSSL detected, check header order" [-Wcpp]
     #warning "No configuration for wolfSSL detected, check header order"
CC  <=  trusted/Wolfssl_Enclave.c
-m64 -O2 -Wl,--no-undefined -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -nostartfiles -L/opt/intel/sgxsdk/lib64 -Lwolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX -lwolfssl.sgx.static.lib -Wl,--whole-archive -lsgx_trts_sim -Wl,--no-whole-archive -Wl,--start-group -lsgx_tstdc -lsgx_tstdc -lsgx_tcrypto -lsgx_tservice_sim -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-pie,-eenclave_entry -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,--defsym,__ImageBase=0 -Wl,--version-script=trusted/
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `AES_set_encrypt_key_AESNI':
aes.c:(.text+0xcc): undefined reference to `AES_128_Key_Expansion_AESNI'
aes.c:(.text+0xe4): undefined reference to `AES_256_Key_Expansion_AESNI'
aes.c:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `AES_192_Key_Expansion_AESNI'
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `wc_AesEncrypt':
aes.c:(.text+0x33d): undefined reference to `AES_ECB_encrypt_AESNI'
aes.c:(.text+0x377): undefined reference to `AES_ECB_encrypt_AESNI'
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `wc_AesSetKeyLocal.constprop.4':
aes.c:(.text+0x1789): undefined reference to `cpuid_get_flags'
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `wc_AesCbcEncrypt':
aes.c:(.text+0x1d60): undefined reference to `AES_CBC_encrypt_AESNI'
aes.c:(.text+0x1de3): undefined reference to `AES_CBC_encrypt_AESNI'
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `wc_AesCbcDecrypt':
aes.c:(.text+0x1f28): undefined reference to `AES_ECB_decrypt_AESNI'
aes.c:(.text+0x2df5): undefined reference to `AES_CBC_decrypt_AESNI_by8'
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `wc_AesGcmEncrypt':
aes.c:(.text+0x376d): undefined reference to `AES_GCM_encrypt_avx1'
aes.c:(.text+0x379f): undefined reference to `AES_GCM_encrypt_avx2'
aes.c:(.text+0x37f7): undefined reference to `AES_GCM_encrypt_aesni'
wolfssl_v5.7.6-stable/IDE/LINUX-SGX/libwolfssl.sgx.static.lib.a(aes.o): In function `wc_AesGcmDecrypt':
aes.c:(.text+0x3c8f): undefined reference to `AES_GCM_decrypt_avx1'
aes.c:(.text+0x3cf0): undefined reference to `AES_GCM_decrypt_avx2'
aes.c:(.text+0x3d53): undefined reference to `AES_GCM_decrypt_aesni'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


Reproducing the Issue 

You can reproduce this issue using my Docker setup: 
GitHub Repository 

Would appreciate any help on resolving this! Thanks.


Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX

These changes get AES-NI use closer. ( and ( It passed unit tests using SIM mode. But had an issue with aes-gmac using HW mode. Possibly a buffer alignment issue. I'm not sure when I will be allocated time to farther investigate the aes-gmac unit test. Could you give it a try with your SGX SDK and compiler and see if these changes work for you?


Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX

Great, let me test and report back


9 (edited by chaudhryfaisal 2025-02-18 11:24:31)

Re: AES-NI and Intel SGX

@Jacob I am able to compile and benchmark with AES and I see great improvements , however I don't see all of the intel optimization applied specifically AVX/AVX2

can you please share how to enable AVX/AVX2 for SHA256 and ECC SIGN optimizations
it seems like we --enable-sp-asm --enable-sp --enable-sp-asm are required to see performance gain in non sgx mode which is not working in PIE as per your comment

#SP assembly needs investigated for use with PIE
ifeq ($(HAVE_WOLFSSL_SP), 1)
    Wolfssl_C_Extra_Flags += -DWOLFSSL_SP_X86_64_ASM\

benchmarks without intel optimizations

 wolfSSL version 5.7.6
Math:     Multi-Precision: Wolf(SP) word-size=64 bits=4096 sp_int.c
wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1048576, min 1.0 sec each)
RNG                         90 MiB took 1.017 seconds,   88.508 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  26.94
AES-128-CBC-enc            250 MiB took 1.009 seconds,  247.804 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   9.62
AES-128-CBC-dec            265 MiB took 1.015 seconds,  261.081 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   9.13
AES-192-CBC-enc            215 MiB took 1.004 seconds,  214.131 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  11.13
AES-192-CBC-dec            225 MiB took 1.011 seconds,  222.462 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  10.72
AES-256-CBC-enc            190 MiB took 1.017 seconds,  186.830 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  12.76
AES-256-CBC-dec            145 MiB took 1.015 seconds,  142.812 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  16.69
AES-128-GCM-enc            125 MiB took 1.038 seconds,  120.413 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  19.80
AES-128-GCM-dec            130 MiB took 1.026 seconds,  126.718 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  18.81
AES-192-GCM-enc            120 MiB took 1.035 seconds,  115.896 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  20.57
AES-192-GCM-dec            120 MiB took 1.021 seconds,  117.481 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  20.29
AES-256-GCM-enc            105 MiB took 1.062 seconds,   98.914 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  24.10
AES-256-GCM-dec            110 MiB took 1.041 seconds,  105.655 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  22.57
GMAC Table 4-bit           266 MiB took 1.003 seconds,  265.202 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.99
CHACHA                     400 MiB took 1.002 seconds,  399.055 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   5.97
CHA-POLY                   310 MiB took 1.012 seconds,  306.208 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   7.79
MD5                        555 MiB took 1.002 seconds,  553.812 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.31
POLY1305                  1320 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 1318.270 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   1.81
SHA                        455 MiB took 1.008 seconds,  451.191 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   5.28
SHA-224                    200 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  199.090 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  11.98
SHA-256                    200 MiB took 1.009 seconds,  198.129 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  12.03
SHA-384                    295 MiB took 1.010 seconds,  292.141 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.16
SHA-512                    290 MiB took 1.014 seconds,  286.068 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.33
SHA-512/224                290 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  288.523 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.26
SHA-512/256                295 MiB took 1.013 seconds,  291.224 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.19
SHA3-224                   270 MiB took 1.015 seconds,  266.066 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.96
SHA3-256                   250 MiB took 1.029 seconds,  242.942 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   9.81
SHA3-384                   170 MiB took 1.023 seconds,  166.142 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  14.35
SHA3-512                   135 MiB took 1.018 seconds,  132.631 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  17.98
HMAC-MD5                   555 MiB took 1.000 seconds,  554.846 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.30
HMAC-SHA                   455 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  452.664 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   5.27
HMAC-SHA224                200 MiB took 1.003 seconds,  199.370 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  11.96
HMAC-SHA256                200 MiB took 1.010 seconds,  197.956 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  12.04
HMAC-SHA384                295 MiB took 1.007 seconds,  292.876 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.14
HMAC-SHA512                295 MiB took 1.003 seconds,  293.995 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   8.11
PBKDF2                      24 KiB took 1.001 seconds,   24.265 KiB/s Cycles per byte = 100614.98
RSA     2048   public     21700 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 0.046 ms, 21595.531 ops/sec
RSA     2048  private       400 ops took 1.156 sec, avg 2.891 ms, 345.949 ops/sec
DH      2048  key gen      1808 ops took 1.000 sec, avg 0.553 ms, 1807.474 ops/sec
DH      2048    agree       900 ops took 1.048 sec, avg 1.164 ms, 859.112 ops/sec
ECC   [      SECP256R1]   256  key gen      1900 ops took 1.031 sec, avg 0.543 ms, 1842.949 ops/sec
ECDHE [      SECP256R1]   256    agree      1900 ops took 1.026 sec, avg 0.540 ms, 1851.708 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256     sign      1900 ops took 1.054 sec, avg 0.555 ms, 1802.688 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256   verify      2700 ops took 1.031 sec, avg 0.382 ms, 2618.782 ops/sec

benchmarks with intel optimizations

 wolfSSL version 5.7.6
Math:   Multi-Precision: Disabled
        Single Precision: ecc 256 384 521 rsa/dh 2048 3072 4096 asm sp_x86_64.c
wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1048576, min 1.0 sec each)
RNG                        145 MiB took 1.018 seconds,  142.467 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  16.73
AES-128-CBC-enc           1085 MiB took 1.004 seconds, 1080.199 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   2.21
AES-128-CBC-dec           4680 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4678.302 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.51
AES-192-CBC-enc            920 MiB took 1.002 seconds,  918.098 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   2.60
AES-192-CBC-dec           3900 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3897.837 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.61
AES-256-CBC-enc            690 MiB took 1.000 seconds,  689.769 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   3.46
AES-256-CBC-dec           3335 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 3333.659 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.72
AES-128-GCM-enc           4445 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 4442.137 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.54
AES-128-GCM-dec           4365 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4363.181 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.55
AES-192-GCM-enc           3720 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3715.518 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.64
AES-192-GCM-dec           3790 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3785.582 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.63
AES-256-GCM-enc           3275 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3273.023 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.73
AES-256-GCM-dec           3270 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 3269.829 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.73
GMAC Table 4-bit          1357 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 1356.186 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   1.76
CHACHA                    2300 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 2297.314 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   1.04
CHA-POLY                  1465 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 1463.308 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   1.63
MD5                        555 MiB took 1.001 seconds,  554.676 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.30
POLY1305                  4020 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 4017.260 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   0.59
SHA                        445 MiB took 1.004 seconds,  443.391 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   5.38
SHA-224                    370 MiB took 1.007 seconds,  367.583 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   6.49
SHA-256                    370 MiB took 1.013 seconds,  365.324 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   6.53
SHA-384                    555 MiB took 1.008 seconds,  550.396 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.33
SHA-512                    545 MiB took 1.003 seconds,  543.423 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.39
SHA-512/224                555 MiB took 1.007 seconds,  551.325 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.32
SHA-512/256                555 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  552.241 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.32
SHA3-224                   365 MiB took 1.010 seconds,  361.357 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   6.60
SHA3-256                   345 MiB took 1.006 seconds,  342.997 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   6.95
SHA3-384                   265 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  263.624 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   9.04
SHA3-512                   185 MiB took 1.021 seconds,  181.240 MiB/s Cycles per byte =  13.15
HMAC-MD5                   555 MiB took 1.000 seconds,  554.745 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.30
HMAC-SHA                   455 MiB took 1.013 seconds,  449.068 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   5.31
HMAC-SHA224                365 MiB took 1.001 seconds,  364.591 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   6.54
HMAC-SHA256                370 MiB took 1.006 seconds,  367.959 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   6.48
HMAC-SHA384                560 MiB took 1.002 seconds,  558.961 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.27
HMAC-SHA512                560 MiB took 1.011 seconds,  553.892 MiB/s Cycles per byte =   4.30
PBKDF2                      39 KiB took 1.001 seconds,   39.166 KiB/s Cycles per byte = 62334.62
RSA     2048   public     49500 ops took 1.001 sec, avg 0.020 ms, 49429.632 ops/sec
RSA     2048  private      1600 ops took 1.034 sec, avg 0.646 ms, 1547.866 ops/sec
DH      2048  key gen      3124 ops took 1.000 sec, avg 0.320 ms, 3123.815 ops/sec
DH      2048    agree      3100 ops took 1.012 sec, avg 0.326 ms, 3064.695 ops/sec
ECC   [      SECP256R1]   256  key gen     65100 ops took 1.001 sec, avg 0.015 ms, 65039.664 ops/sec
ECDHE [      SECP256R1]   256    agree     17200 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 0.058 ms, 17107.267 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256     sign     42500 ops took 1.001 sec, avg 0.024 ms, 42477.882 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256   verify     16000 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 0.063 ms, 15922.289 ops/sec

benchmarks with sgx and without HAVE_WOLFSSL_ASSEMBLY=1

Benchmark Test:
wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1048576, min 1.0 sec each)
sizeof(seedB_data)         = 128
sizeof(seedB_data)         = 128
RNG                         80 MiB took 1.015 seconds,   78.788 MiB/s
AES-128-CBC-enc            250 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  248.653 MiB/s
AES-128-CBC-dec            260 MiB took 1.006 seconds,  258.542 MiB/s
AES-192-CBC-enc            185 MiB took 1.036 seconds,  178.652 MiB/s
AES-192-CBC-dec            180 MiB took 1.006 seconds,  178.903 MiB/s
AES-256-CBC-enc            190 MiB took 1.008 seconds,  188.399 MiB/s
AES-256-CBC-dec            195 MiB took 1.018 seconds,  191.475 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-enc             55 MiB took 1.035 seconds,   53.141 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-dec             55 MiB took 1.035 seconds,   53.119 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-enc             55 MiB took 1.063 seconds,   51.730 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-dec             55 MiB took 1.063 seconds,   51.716 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-enc             55 MiB took 1.099 seconds,   50.053 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-dec             50 MiB took 1.005 seconds,   49.752 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-enc-no_AAD      55 MiB took 1.039 seconds,   52.954 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-dec-no_AAD      55 MiB took 1.027 seconds,   53.528 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-enc-no_AAD      55 MiB took 1.062 seconds,   51.776 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-dec-no_AAD      55 MiB took 1.062 seconds,   51.789 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-enc-no_AAD      50 MiB took 1.021 seconds,   48.959 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-dec-no_AAD      50 MiB took 1.007 seconds,   49.642 MiB/s
GMAC Default                70 MiB took 1.008 seconds,   69.425 MiB/s
3DES                        30 MiB took 1.117 seconds,   26.865 MiB/s
MD5                        555 MiB took 1.004 seconds,  552.952 MiB/s
SHA                        465 MiB took 1.011 seconds,  459.931 MiB/s
SHA-256                    200 MiB took 1.003 seconds,  199.344 MiB/s
HMAC-MD5                   555 MiB took 1.000 seconds,  554.892 MiB/s
HMAC-SHA                   460 MiB took 1.008 seconds,  456.516 MiB/s
HMAC-SHA256                205 MiB took 1.016 seconds,  201.676 MiB/s
PBKDF2                      24 KiB took 1.000 seconds,   24.363 KiB/s
RSA     2048   public      6300 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 0.159 ms, 6274.439 ops/sec
RSA     2048  private       200 ops took 1.741 sec, avg 8.703 ms, 114.901 ops/sec
DH      2048  key gen       276 ops took 1.002 sec, avg 3.630 ms, 275.450 ops/sec
DH      2048    agree       300 ops took 1.083 sec, avg 3.611 ms, 276.969 ops/sec
ECC   [      SECP256R1]   256  key gen      8300 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 0.121 ms, 8231.554 ops/sec
ECDHE [      SECP256R1]   256    agree      3300 ops took 1.020 sec, avg 0.309 ms, 3236.528 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256     sign      5800 ops took 1.002 sec, avg 0.173 ms, 5790.810 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256   verify      3100 ops took 1.029 sec, avg 0.332 ms, 3011.562 ops/sec

benchmarks with sgx and with HAVE_WOLFSSL_ASSEMBLY=1

Benchmark Test:
wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1048576, min 1.0 sec each)
sizeof(seedB_data)         = 128
sizeof(seedB_data)         = 128
RNG                         90 MiB took 1.055 seconds,   85.307 MiB/s
AES-128-CBC-enc           1085 MiB took 1.005 seconds, 1080.136 MiB/s
AES-128-CBC-dec           4675 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4672.958 MiB/s
AES-192-CBC-enc            925 MiB took 1.005 seconds,  920.766 MiB/s
AES-192-CBC-dec           3910 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3906.660 MiB/s
AES-256-CBC-enc            800 MiB took 1.006 seconds,  795.614 MiB/s
AES-256-CBC-dec           3350 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 3348.383 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-enc           3570 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 3568.704 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-dec           3645 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3641.420 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-enc           3320 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3316.531 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-dec           2520 MiB took 1.002 seconds, 2516.130 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-enc           2610 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 2607.546 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-dec           2935 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 2930.619 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-enc-no_AAD    3545 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3540.200 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-dec-no_AAD    3660 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 3659.309 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-enc-no_AAD    3285 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 3280.230 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-dec-no_AAD    3300 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 3299.703 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-enc-no_AAD    2920 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 2917.791 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-dec-no_AAD    2895 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 2893.033 MiB/s
GMAC Default              1384 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 1383.696 MiB/s
3DES                        30 MiB took 1.115 seconds,   26.913 MiB/s
MD5                        560 MiB took 1.009 seconds,  555.151 MiB/s
SHA                        460 MiB took 1.010 seconds,  455.671 MiB/s
SHA-256                    205 MiB took 1.021 seconds,  200.842 MiB/s
HMAC-MD5                   555 MiB took 1.002 seconds,  554.146 MiB/s
HMAC-SHA                   450 MiB took 1.001 seconds,  449.578 MiB/s
HMAC-SHA256                180 MiB took 1.077 seconds,  167.062 MiB/s
PBKDF2                      23 KiB took 1.000 seconds,   23.186 KiB/s
RSA     2048   public      6000 ops took 1.007 sec, avg 0.168 ms, 5960.138 ops/sec
RSA     2048  private       200 ops took 1.819 sec, avg 9.097 ms, 109.927 ops/sec
DH      2048  key gen       261 ops took 1.001 sec, avg 3.836 ms, 260.721 ops/sec
DH      2048    agree       300 ops took 1.154 sec, avg 3.847 ms, 259.965 ops/sec
ECC   [      SECP256R1]   256  key gen      8200 ops took 1.012 sec, avg 0.123 ms, 8106.580 ops/sec
ECDHE [      SECP256R1]   256    agree      3200 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 0.315 ms, 3174.178 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256     sign      5800 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 0.173 ms, 5774.885 ops/sec
ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256   verify      2800 ops took 1.002 sec, avg 0.358 ms, 2794.868 ops/sec

Thank you
