Topic: [SOLVED] Does TLS 1.3 from WolfSSL has Safety and Autosar Compliance?

We are looking for the below mentioned details:

1. TLS library 1.3 i.e  RFC 8446 which is Safety Certified as against ISO 26262.
2. TLS library compliance with Autosar "Standardized Interface".

Kindly let us know if the above mentioned are evaluated/supported.


Re: [SOLVED] Does TLS 1.3 from WolfSSL has Safety and Autosar Compliance?

Hi RaghavendraJ,

Thank you so much for reaching out to wolfSSL on the forums. JFYI for best response times feel free to email us at support [at] wolfssl [dot] com anytime.

Can you tell us a bit about the project and what drove this inquiry? Typically requests for Autosar and ISO standards compliance are best handled through our business department, you can reach out to the above mentioned email and we can put you in touch with the business side.

If you have any how-to type technical questions feel free to post them here. Thanks!

Warm Regards,


Re: [SOLVED] Does TLS 1.3 from WolfSSL has Safety and Autosar Compliance?

Hi Kaleb,

I have received a response for this topic through the business department of wolfssl. This ticket can be closed.

Thanks for the support.
