Topic: Does WolfSSH require AESGCM and ECC and !NO_FILESYSTEM?
I see a number of build errors with this configuration. Can you please tell me if these are all hard requirements for build/functionality of WolfSSH?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSH → Does WolfSSH require AESGCM and ECC and !NO_FILESYSTEM?
I see a number of build errors with this configuration. Can you please tell me if these are all hard requirements for build/functionality of WolfSSH?
Hello Tammy,
I was able to reproduce the build errors with wolfSSL configured as:
./configure --enable-ssh --disable-filesystem --disable-aesgcm
I created a pull request here:
Eric @ wolfSSL Support
Thanks so much, Eric! What about the ECC requirement?
I just pushed another commit that fixes the build errors for
Thanks so much! I'm not sure what your process is for PR approval - do you have any idea when this would be accepted into the mainline? We have a CF Friday...
Hi Tammy,
The code changes are still making their way through the review cycle.
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSH → Does WolfSSH require AESGCM and ECC and !NO_FILESYSTEM?
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