Topic: Bad Doc
Not a question... a complaint.
It has always been my conclusion that anyone who uses "Doxygen" is demonstrating how lacks their work effort it... The output from it is virtually useless. Developers spend more time in headers formatting, commenting, etc... then just writing good doc. Because it spits out header comments as it's source.
Bereft of examples, lacking cross references, one has to know exactly what one is looking for in order to find it. A serious "cart before the horse" situation.
But developers slap some comments in the headers, let it spit out useless HTML, and they think the job is done.
Then it remains untouched, out of date from enhancements, broken information when something is changed... Because it's forgotten.
If a real document was part of the package, then a real task of updating it would exist.
(The only "real" doc I can find on this product is a PDF from version 3)
From here: … eca15af4c5
" Certificate file type found in asn_public.h enum CertType. "
Go ahead... click it. It takes you here
There isn't any "CertType" defined anywhere on that page.
Try typing CertType into the search box... Nothing.
Now start aimlessly wandering through it's useless menu system hoping to stumble on what you are looking for.
Don't think this is just the first incident where I can't find something, and now left wandering aimlessly. Nor the second time. Nor the tenth time... It gets old really fast.
Broken documentation. Created by an inferior system.
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