Topic: Porting Wolf SSL to ThreadX DAM

I have a cellular modem with SDK built on ThreadX. This SDK gives ability to write ThreadX DAM modules which can run on the module itself. The manufacturer calls it Open CPU.
The SDK uses LLVM compiler.
I tried to compile WolfSSL on Linux as well as Windows and both works fine.
I also looked into the documentation and went through porting guide. I understood the steps.
However, I am stuck at a point. I am not sure how do I build WolfSSL using the provided SDK. There are utilities like ./configure which are not part of the provided SDK by the vendor.
Please suggest a way to help me with porting. Also, let me know any additional inputs you need.


Re: Porting Wolf SSL to ThreadX DAM

Hello aashishkul

Welcome to the wolfSSL Forums.

You can build a non-standard environment by creating a new library project and pointing to the source and header folders. … nvironment

You do not need to use the autotools scripts to generate make files. You can place all the configuration defines into a file name user_settings.h and add a CFLAG define for WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS.

Additionally, we offer services to get wolfSSL built in your environment. Please send an email to to learn more about this process.

Eric - wolfSSL Support

Re: Porting Wolf SSL to ThreadX DAM

Thanks for your pointers. I am now able to build wolfSSL and wolfCrypt. I have not written any program to use it on my embedded platform.
One of the motive of trying wolfSSL is that it has claimed very small footprint. By default build produced the binary size of about 276kB. This is much more than my expectation. I was expecting about 100 to 125kB. My default binary size of "Hello World" application without WolfSSL is 16kB.

Second, I am getting following warning:
wolfcrypt\src\sp_int.c:13337:12: warning: undefined behavior: The right operand of shift is greater than
      or equal to the length in bits of the promoted left operand (result is folded to zero) [-Wundefined-optimized]
static int _sp_exptmod_base_2(const sp_int* e, int digits, const sp_int* m,


Re: Porting Wolf SSL to ThreadX DAM

Hi aashishkul,

Excellent! the library is very flexible, and your expectations are reasonable. Here is a link to our tuning guide:

Additionally, here are some reference configurations that will be useful: … es/configs

For additional assistance with optimization, please open a support ticket by emailing

Regarding the warning, are you working with the latest version of the library?

Re: Porting Wolf SSL to ThreadX DAM

Yes. I am using wolfssl-5.6.4. The error does not appear when compiling for Windows platform using Visual Studio. But error comes when compiling on Arm platform using LVMM.
