1 (edited by febin.sunny 2024-01-09 03:00:25)

Topic: Build error for TI RTOS on windows

I'm trying to build the library (5.6.2-stable), and Error 127 is returned
"C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/make4092-1.sh: line 1: C:tixdctools_3_32_00_06_core/xdc: No such file or directory
gmake: *** [all] Error 127 "

seems like the issue is with the path of the 'xdctools_3_32_00_06_code/xdc', the actual path is as, C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_ ..... I can't find the make4092-1.sh file to edit it, seems like it's created in between the build and is cleared, because the number in the .sh file is changing on every build. The path that I've entered on the products.mak file is proper. Any sort of help is really appreciated.



Re: Build error for TI RTOS on windows

Hi Febin,

That is a generated file. Have you followed the instructions here?
https://www.wolfssl.com/documentation/U … I-RTOS.pdf

I recently did build TI-RTOS for a project successfully, but it was difficult getting the packages setup.

I also recently pushed some fixes for the TM4C here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/pull/7018
Those are in the latest v5.6.6 release.

David Garske, wolfSSL


Re: Build error for TI RTOS on windows

Hi David Garske,
Thanks for the info. Yes, I've followed the instructions and have updated the products.mak file with the necessary paths, but still the same error is there while building. I've successfully build the same version of wolfssl and CCS ide on another device without any errors, and this seems to be a system specific issue.

Febin sunny


Re: Build error for TI RTOS on windows

Fixed the issue by adding an extra '/' in the path for xdc tools, in the `products.mak` file inside wolfssl/tirtos directory. The actual path to the file is 'C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_00_06_core/xdc', but in the `products.mak` file I provided the path as 'C://ti//xdctools_3_32_00_06_core/xdc' for successfully building it.
