Topic: What is AutoSar? Why is it enabled?

I am attempting to build WolfSSL 5.7.2 as a library, where we already have done so for 4.5.0, 4.7.0, 5.5.0, and 5.5.1.

Each time, it's a nightmare trying to fixed the compiler issues in the TI RTOS environment for Sitara, building in CCS with GNUC 7.1.3.  It seems more and more that are conflicts, redundant functions, modules that are not understood by the environment being used...   Despite setting the

This came with no instructions, no information about what all new files are dependent on which of the dozens of environments are supposed to be supported, which should be excluded...  Nothing that remotely says "Here are the hundreds of new things that could break moving to this version, unless you do xxxx".

And the standard "read the manual" doesn't answer these, because it's years old...

This latest iteration of importing the next version, 5 new folders have appeared.  One of them: "AutoSar" has files that are breaking the build all over the place. 

I haven't gotten any further that that... but already spent the day correcting ASM issues all over the place because there are dozens that cannot be built in this environment and with this compiler. There should be a better way that tripping over all these files and trying to figure out if they below, or are part of a different build environment. At this progress, unravelling all the complier diagnostics, I expect hundreds more issues after this is hacked around...

I removed "autosar/test.c".  It had dozens of errors.

But /wolfcrypt/src/port/autosar/cryif.c is still crashing the build.  Because it has no idea what "Std_VersionInfoType", Crypto_JobType", or even ""uint32""  is.

uint32 is not standard.  uint32_t is.

Some of these are dragged in by wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/autosar/StandardTypes.h

But that is excluded because of a #ifdef WOLFSSL_AUTOSAR which is in SOME of the files, but not others.  So SOME files are using data types, that are PREVENTED from being defined because they are removed by #defines...

Does anyone test these builds??

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Re: What is AutoSar? Why is it enabled?

Hi Scotty2541,

Thanks for reaching out to us here on the forums!  My name is Anthony and I am a member of the wolfSSL team.  Have you had a look at ?  It references some documentation and examples.

AutoSAR refers to  When you build using our configure scripts, autosar is disabled by default. What could be happening is that CCS is erroneously bringing in all the source and header files into your project.  You'll have to remove some files that shouldn't be there.

Can you let me know a bit about yourself? Here at wolfSSL we are very interested to know about who is using our software.  We'd love to know about:

Where are you located? (Country and nearest urban centre)
What are your goals?
Is your project out of commercial, academic or professional interest?
Is your project associated with any institutions?

Please let me know if you have further questions for me.

Warm regards, Anthony


Re: What is AutoSar? Why is it enabled?

Where are you located? (Country and nearest urban centre)

US  Home office in Chicago, engineering division in Detroit

Is your project out of commercial, academic or professional interest?

Commercial, and we are a customer with paid support

You'll have to remove some files that shouldn't be there.

Duh...   Which ones?
I do that EVERY TIME I have to update to the next version.  Except new files continue to show up, and it's a guessing game if they are tied to developer platforms, or required functions, or redundant source modules.

Like the compiler diagnostic:  "ssl_bn.c does not need to be compiled separately from ssl.c".

I do not use any script, as their success rates are poor.  We do not use Cortex M processors, and the NDK never works with your headers  (there is a difference between "hostent"  and "_hostent" as just one example)

I managed to get past this issue by adding #ifdef WOLFSSL_AUTOSAR directives where they were clearly missing.

Now sp_arm32.c is failing... it appears due to syntax that is not compatible with the GNUC compiler.

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Re: What is AutoSar? Why is it enabled?

Hi Scott,

Thanks for all the information you provided. Since you have commercial support, please open a support ticket by sending a message to using an email account associated with your organization.  In that message, please reference this forum posting.  We look forward to helping you there.

Warm regards, Anthony


Re: What is AutoSar? Why is it enabled?

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