Topic: drbg_ctr_256


I am currently engaged in developing the Qcrypto_wolfssl plugin for the QNX operating system and require the use of the drbg_ctr_256 algorithm.  I just realized that WolfSSL does not provide an implementation for this specific algorithm.

Could you suggest any alternative algorithms that could serve as a viable substitute in this context?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Re: drbg_ctr_256

Hi bganjl,

My name is Anthony and I am a member of the wolfSSL team. Its an interesting question and I will look into it for you. 

In the meantime, can you let us know a bit about yourself and your project?  We love to know about who is using our software. For example:

Where are you located?  Country and nearest urban area should suffice.

Is this project out of personal, academic or commercial interest?

Is this project associated with any institutions or organizations?

Warm regards, Anthony


Re: drbg_ctr_256

Hi bganjl,

You are correct, we do not have support for that. Can you please email so we can get started on a feature request?  Please reference this forum post when you send the message.

Warm regards, Anthony
