Topic: wolfssl: How to generate ca certificat with subjectKeyIdentifier
I use your sample "certgen_ca_example.c" for generate my Ca certificat.
i want to add subjectKeyIdentifier and autorityKeyIdentifier.
How to add this option?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → wolfssl: How to generate ca certificat with subjectKeyIdentifier
I use your sample "certgen_ca_example.c" for generate my Ca certificat.
i want to add subjectKeyIdentifier and autorityKeyIdentifier.
How to add this option?
Hi ,
My name is Anthony and I am a member of the wolfSSL team. I'll be helping you on this topic. Please stay tuned as I will need to ask my wider engineering team.
Warm regards, Anthony
We have the following APIs for setting the Authority Key ID and Subject Key ID:
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetAuthKeyIdFromPublicKey_ex(Cert *cert, int keyType,
void* key);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetAuthKeyIdFromPublicKey(Cert *cert, RsaKey *rsakey,
ecc_key *eckey);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetAuthKeyIdFromCert(Cert *cert, const byte *der, int derSz);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetAuthKeyId(Cert *cert, const char* file);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetSubjectKeyIdFromPublicKey_ex(Cert *cert, int keyType,
void* key);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetSubjectKeyIdFromPublicKey(Cert *cert, RsaKey *rsakey,
ecc_key *eckey);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetSubjectKeyId(Cert *cert, const char* file);
You can find examples of how to use these APIs in tests/api.c.
Can you please let us know about how you are using wolfSSL and what you are using it for?
Warm regards, Anthony
Hi thanks,
I'll test.
I test your library to generate certificates, for an educational project in an engineering school.
And I participate in the validation of your library with Cryptauthlib … 2391845926
Thank you
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → wolfssl: How to generate ca certificat with subjectKeyIdentifier
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