Topic: expiration date on certificate
Hallo, I have an application using WolfSSL.
The role of this application is to be a client, with 3 certificates, server, client and key.
With windows, checking the certificates, the dates result:
1. Valid from 10/04/2021 to 08/04/2031
2. Valid from 10/04/2021 to 08/04/2031
Instead, in the function wc_ValidateDate in the file asn.c result:
. with dateType == BEFORE->tm_mday=28 tm_mon=3 tm_year=122
. with dateType == AFTER->tm_mday=27 tm_mon=3 tm_year=132
. with dateType == AFTER->tm_mday=5 tm_mon=4 tm_year=125
Why dos these dates don't match?
Thank you