(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Yes! That worked ... Thanks!

Now I'm just struggling to get my PEM String to be read by the wolfSSL_KeyPemToDer function. I keep getting a -4 as a return value.


(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hello, I'm very new to the world of C programming and I'm working on a project involving an embedded solution.

I'm attempting to use wolfSSL embedded SSL for it's RSA key cryptography abilities. My problem is hopefully a simple one...

Basically, I have a PEM private key file which I am storing as a buffer in the application, as I do not have file system capabilities (as of yet, anyway)
My goal is to decrypt a message using this key. From my understanding, the steps are as follows:

1. Convert the PEM file into a DER using wolfSSL_KeyPemToDer or some similar method
2. Use RsaPrivateKeyDecode to decrypt the message from its encoded state.

I am being hung up on a very common compiler error :
undefined reference to `wolfSSL_KeyPemToDer`

I am including wolfssl/ssl.h, and wolfssl/wolfcrypt/rsa.h.. Is there anything I might be missing, or perhaps a constant I need to define? The method signature appears in wolfssl/ssl.h as:
WOLFSSL_API wolfSSL_KeyPemToDer(const unsigned char* pem, int pemSz, unsigned char* buff,
                       int buffSz, const char* pass)

As I said, I am new to C so I am probably some kind of Noob mistake, but I would appreciate suggestions.. Thanks in advance big_smile