(1 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi dodge55,

Yes it is totally possible to use ports other than 443. Use TCP API's to connect to whatever port you wish and set the resulting FD with wolfSSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd);. For examples you can find some simpler examples in our github wolfssl-examples repo like this simple client here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl-exam … ient-tls.c

There are two options WRT certs you can either use pre-shared keys to avoid sending any certs but this requires both client and server to share a common key in advance E.G. you need to provision all clients and servers where every server has keys for every client it expects to connect.

The other option to not send certificates would be to use a cipher suite that typically uses certs but disable all cert verification all the time. This is not recommended. There would still be a key exchange happening in this case though and if you don't send certs it's likely the peer is still going to want them EG the servers handling the emails. I don't think you can get around the certificates requirement.

Warm Regards,



(2 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Betontod11,

Thank you so much for reaching out to wolfSSL support. Have you tried using non-blocking sockets?

Warm Regards,



(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi burakkirazli,

Please go to the directory where you ran your tests and run this command:

ls -la ../certs/ || echo "Directory not found"

Do you see a list of certs displayed or do you see this:

$ ls -la ../certs/ || echo "Directory not found"
ls: ../certs/: No such file or directory
Directory not found

If the directory is not there please copy/paste the certs/ directory from the wolfSSL download to that location and try running the example again, let us know if you continue to have issues.

Warm Regards,



(3 replies, posted in wolfCrypt)

Hi @sleepdefic1t,

I'm able to import the PrivateKey successfully, but am not able to generate Signatures deterministically.

Great! That indicates it is working. If the signature were deterministic that would be cause for concern.

ECC (unlike RSA) does not produce the same output every time, nor does it produce the same length every time! ECC signatures can vary by as much as 5-bytes (sometime more). IE you might sign the same data 100 times and see signatures that range from 70 - 75 bytes in length. This is expected and common with ECC. I see you are already doing a sanity check using the verify to double-check the signature, that is good! Below are a series of signature generation/verification calls on the same exact input data I ran locally. (You can also use a third party verify operation if you want to triple check it.)

Hexdump: Signature of length 71
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 70
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 72
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 70
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!
Hexdump: Signature of length 71
Should output 4 lines

Signature verification was successful!

Warm Regards,



(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


You can use the -d option when running the normal server example to disable client authentication.

For -308 when testing with the echo server try having your client use wolfTLSv1_2_client_method() (TLS v1.2) instead of wolfTLSv1_1_client_method() (TLS v1.1).


- KH


(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

So when we initialize the RNG structure we run a "health test" to ensure that repetitive calls to the generate seed function do not return predictable data. If you want to reduce the number of checks you could try modifying the wc_RNG_HealthTestLocal function to call wc_RNG_HealthTest() less times though this is a good test to perform and we do not recommend reducing the number of health checks.




(3 replies, posted in General Inquiries)

Hi @roelof,

I can confirm what you are seeing in the code, the key pair is being generated but the private key does not appear to be getting decoded into the same structure. I will check with the developer that worked on that porting effort and see why there is no call to wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode following the call to decode the public key.

I'll let you know what I find out.

Warm Regards,



(3 replies, posted in General Inquiries)

Hi @roelof,

Thank you for using the wolfSSL forums. You'll note that in the case of not using crypto cell support the RNG and wc_GenerateSeed function are fully implemented. If you defined WOLFSSL_NRF5x the define NO_DEV_RANDOM is assumed in wolfssl-root/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h and it is expected that the user will either implement a device-specific version of generate seed to seed the wolfSSL hash DRBG. For reference please checkout the wc_GenerateSeed function in wolfssl-root/wolfcrypt/src/random.c when WOLFSSL_NRF51 is defined.

It is likely you would have seen some warnings in the build step if something was amiss. Can you tell us if the build was warning-free or were there any warnings generated?

Warm Regards,



(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi @torntrousers,

Please try using the below setup:

A) Define WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS globally or at the top of <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h> so that settings.h will look for and include the file "user_settings.h"
B) Create an empty header "user_settings.h" and use this file to tune the build
C) Include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h> in your application
D) Update the include path for your project so "user_settings.h" can be included by settings.h.
E) Setup a custom function to seed the wolfSSL RNG with your own entropy source

// Define the type your function will be returning, for this example we'll return an unsigned int
 #define CUSTOM_RAND_TYPE      unsigned int

// Your function that provides entropy seed to "seed" the RNG declare as an extern
 extern unsigned int my_rng_seed_gen(void);

// define the wolfSSL CUSTOM_RAND_GENERATE to be your function
 #define CUSTOM_RAND_GENERATE  my_rng_seed_gen

Let me know if this helps.

Warm Regards,



(3 replies, posted in wolfCrypt)

Hi @sleepdefic1t,

Thanks for reaching out to wolfSSL. To get you started down the correct path I would suggest looking at wc_PBKD2. This is a password based key derivation function.

You could use it to generate ECC k value and then read k in with

ret = mp_read_unsigned_bin(&key->k, key, keySz);)

NOTE: You will want to add a sanity check that the generated K is less than the curve order (See "ecc_set_type" in ecc.h)

Next you'll need to call


to make the public portion of the key.

Finally since you are using any old passphrase and hashing it, using the hash to generate K with password based key derivation and then reading that into the key you can't really be sure that it's a valid K that lands somewhere on the curve right? So now you'll want to check the key you created is valid. For that use


. Fail condition is if wc_ecc_check_key fails, need to either ask user for new input or come up with a method for adjusting the hash of the user input when used to generate K will more consistently fall on the curve.

Hope this helps.

Warm Regards,



(5 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


That is great news! I had a sneaky suspicion it was something about the input data because the app looked good. It should have been generating the same signature IFF the input was 100% identical. Happy to hear it was as simple as removing the null terminator from the input string. I see you resolved by switching from "sizeof" to "strlen", we also provide a more portable wolfSSL unique solution XSTRLEN if you ever need a more portable solution.  :-)




(4 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


It sounds like something in the file <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h> is defining XREALLOC to be one thing but then later in wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h where we try to detect based on OS/OE and set it smartly there is something not being skipped. Can you try adding a condition to types.h for

&& !defined(<>)

and replace the "<>" with the setting from settings.h that is defined and causing XREALLOC to be configured in settings.h?

It's hard to pin-point exactly without being able to test/build it but from the log we see the original definition is in settings.h on line 669 which in the version of settings.h I'm looking at from 4.1.0 would be in the FREERTOS section.

/project/components/common/wolfssl/wolfssl-4.1.0/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:669:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition
         #define XREALLOC(p, n, h, t) wolfSSL_Realloc((p), (n))

In types.h the re-definition happens on line 295 which is inside a section protected by the setting "NO_WOLFSSL_MEMORY" setting which leads me to believe that somehow both FREERTOS and NO_WOLFSSL_MEMORY are getting set together.

/project/components/common/wolfssl/wolfssl-4.1.0/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h:295:0: warning: "XREALLOC" redefined [enabled by default]
         #define XREALLOC(p, n, h, t) realloc((p), (n))

To resolve you can either remove NO_WOLFSSL_MEMORY from any custom settings you are using or you can add a second condition on line 273 of types.h to be:

#elif defined(NO_WOLFSSL_MEMORY) && !defined(FREERTOS)

Warm Regards,



(5 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi @DS,

Is the input supposed to be string or hex format? Just curious, if I leave your test app as-is I see in the output:

Digest Input Data:
65 64 36 32 33 35 39 33 36 63 35 63 38 31 63 65 
38 65 61 30 30 37 34 38 30 66 39 35 35 34 34 31 
32 30 34 36 30 35 61 30 61 36 37 37 37 66 31 37 
65 65 37 35 61 66 37 61 33 36 39 34 34 32 65 63 

If I modify it to hex format I see:

Digest Input Data:
ED 62 35 93 6C 5C 81 CE 8E A0 07 48 0F 95 54 41 
20 46 05 A0 A6 77 7F 17 EE 75 AF 7A 36 94 42 EC 

Changing that still doesn't get the expected output but I am not sure of the original test case. Can you send over the steps for doing this with openSSL so I can run both an OpenSSL and wolfSSL test and compare the two?




(5 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi @DS,

Thank you for reaching out to wolfSSL. Please checkout our example here that does signature generation using the same method as OpenSSL

https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl-exam … re/sigtest

It looks like you may have missed the step to encode the hash before calling wc_SignatureGenerate. Encoding the hash is an extra step OpenSSL does but that is opaque to the end user. I do wish the OpenSSL project would make more clear the steps being taken in their logs. This question does come up about 2 - 3 times a year, thus why we finally put up an example for it :-)

https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl-exam … est.c#L165

Warm Regards,



Understood. I will bring this up with the team, would like to formally request this as a feature addition? If this ever does become a blocker for the project wolfSSL can accelerate feature additions anytime through our Business department.

Warm Regards,



Gotcha, I did just run a quick test using the openSSL command line tool and it does work:

Save this to file "tmp.txt"

[ req ]
default_bits = 4096
prompt = no
encrypt_key = no
default_md = sha256
distinguished_name = dn
req_extensions = req_ext

[ dn ]
CN = myquicktest.com
emailAddress = kaleb@wolfssl.com
O = wolfSSL Inc.
OU = Support
L = Florence
C = US

[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = DNS: www.domain1.com, DNS: www.domain2.com, DNS: www.domain3.com

Run the command:

openssl req -new -config tmp.txt -keyout myquicktest.key -out myquicktest.csr

Upload the contents of myquicktest.csr to the csr checker at https://ssltools.digicert.com/checker/v … rCheck.jsp

SANs' are included. (See attached screenshot)

Not sure why the CSR checker complains about us Montanan's but apparently it doesn't know what state MT is :-)

- K

Hi waigor,

I just heard back from the team and I must apologize, I gave you some invalid advice on setting SAN in a CSR. This has never been supported. Setting the SAN using the method I described when generating an actual certificate is supported, with a certificate signing request it is not (and never has been) supported.

Is missing this feature a blocker for your project?

Warm Regards,


Hi waigor,

I was just doing some code review for another customer and while I can confirm setting the SAN using this method does work when generating a real cert, it looks like setting the SAN in a CSR is not supported, I do apologize.

I am checking with our ASN.1 experts to see if this was ever support for certificate requests or only with cert generation.

I'll let you know what I find out.

Warm Regards,



(4 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi achimpieters,

Thank you so much for reaching out with your question. Can you tell us a bit about the background of this project and your use-case?

Typically a re-definition means that there are conflicting settings being used.

Given you are seeing an error on line 295 of types.h may I assume you are using static memory? Can you share the settings you are using to configure wolfSSL?

Warm Regards,


Hi waigor,

Thank you for reaching out to wolfSSL. Can you share a bit about what you are working on and end goals for your project? This helps us to better classify the inquiry for our records.


Setting the SAN in CSR generation is not supported at this time. Using the method described in the other post is supported when generating an actual certificate.

Other Post: https://www.wolfssl.com/forums/topic140 … l-api.html


Warm Regards,



Not a problem! Happy to help out.



Hi rafnas,

It looks like pastebin.com expects the server name indication extension. Could you try adding the setting HAVE_SNI if not already present and then send the sting "pastebin.com" as the server name indication extension using the -S option in the client (see example below)

$ client.exe -h pastebin.com -p 443 -v d -d -g
wolfSSL_connect error -313, received alert fatal error
wolfSSL error: wolfSSL_connect failed
$ client.exe -h pastebin.com -p 443 -v d -d -g -S pastebin.com

SSL version is TLSv1.2
SSL cipher suite is TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
SSL curve name is SECP256R1
SSL connect ok, sending GET...
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Server: cloudflare
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 16:48:42 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 167

Connection: close
CF-RAY: 51e7af9bbb9b79a7-SEA

<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">

Warmest Regards,


Hi @coco21,

Can you tell us a bit about what it is you are working on? Is this an evaluation for an existing or upcoming project? Can you share any details about the project?

If this is for a commercial project and you do not wish to disclose details on the public forums please reach out to support@wolfssl.com for a more private channel to discuss project details!

Warm Regards,



(0 replies, posted in Announcements)

For those interested wolfSSL just merged in support for the SiFive HiFive Unleashed board!

Checkout the changes here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/pull/2456

These are available in the github master and will be included in the next release.

- KH

UPDATE on related threads "SiFive":

Support for SiFive HiFive Unleashed board

- KH