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How large is the memory buffer being passed in? Adding --enable-debug to the wolfSSL build and calling wolfSSL_Debugging_ON() at the beginning of your application will print out debug messages. Can you add in the debugging messages to see if the static memory feature is running out of memory? An error message of "ERROR ran out of static memory" will be printed out if no more memory buckets were available.
Hi @stanislavirin,
Thanks for the catch with documentation! 0 should also work as a general memory flag, but will update the documentation to be consistent. I'm curious if changing the flag resolved your issue?
Hello Ramon,
After re-reading through the first post:
Please check that the correct private key is being loaded for the client, matching the certificate loaded.
For building tests:
For building the examples it may be best to either use user_setttings.h or compile them separately. A user_settings.h file is one created by the user to hold settings such as the macros WOLFSSL_USER_IO and NO_WRITEV. What I suspect is happening here is that the -D macros set during "make" are not getting pulled into the examples when they are compiled with autotools/libtools. You can create a static wolfSSL library with adding "--enable-static" to the configure line. This gets placed into the directory wolfssl-root/src/.libs/ which could then be linked to when building wolfcrypt/test/test.c.
To avoid using a file system, the macro NO_FILESYSTEM can be used in conjuncture with USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024. This will make the RSA tests use buffers instead of a file system.
Any difference in build options has the potential to cause issues.
Hi RGnzlzRz,
The next thing to check would be that the application running the RSA operations is being compiled with the exact same settings as wolfSSL. When using autotools (./configure) a file called wolfssl/options.h is created after the library is compiled. This file should be included first before any other wolfSSL header files. i.e.
#include <wolfssl/options.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/rsa.h>
If having the exact same options (macros) set with the application as when compiling the library does not resolve the issue, then we would need to run the tests from wolfcrypt/test/test.c to verify that the default unit tests for RSA pass on the system. It is a good idea to run these tests in any case.
Hi RGnzlzRz,
Thank you for sending across the build options. There is a couple of things that stand out to me with them.
1) Please remove -DBUILD_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256=1 . This macro should only be set by internal code if it finds that the required algorithms RSA, CHACHA, POLY1305, and ECC are available at build time.
2) The macro -DWOLFSSL_STATIC_MEMORY=1 will be setting the static memory feature which can make the use case more complicated. To begin with and to make sure the default build works please remove this to test.
3) With having -DNO_DEV_RANDOM=1 it could be an issue with random number generation. Please add a source of entropy to the project. A good place for information about it would be to view the documentation on porting wolfSSL here
Hi RGnzlzRz,
Many times in embedded, and on resource constrained devices, issues with RSA operations are due to the amount of stack available. A good test for eliminating if memory availability is an issue, is to run the wolfCrypt tests. This test app is located in wolfssl-root/wolfcrypt/test/ directory.
Can you tell us some about the projects use case and the size of the RSA key in the certificate.
Hi junaid4118,
There is also an open pull request that may help with using native LWIP api located here For making wolfSSL work with no heap there is a couple of solutions possible; one is to write a custom XMALLOC and XFREE and handle cases where wolfSSL would use a malloc or free, the other is to use --enable-staticmemory (macro of WOLFSSL_STATIC_MEMORY) when configuring wolfSSL. More information on static memory feature can be found here … location/.
Hi Colin,
For setting up the RSA key a call to wc_InitRsaKey(RsaKey* rsa, void* heap) should be made before the call to wc_RsaPublicKeyDecodeRaw. This will initialize the RSA structure values to there default for future use. My guess on the reason this worked in an earlier version and not in the more recent version is because of added elements in the RSA structure for additional features that have been added since the earlier wolfSSL version 3.9.6. Let us know if adding the wc_InitRsaKey function call does not resolve the issue.
Kind Regards,
Hi zheng6686,
This could be due to the TLS version supported by OpenSSL. When using the OpenSSL server try connecting the wolfSSL client to it using -v 1 "client.exe -v 1". If using the default authentication then the OpenSSL server will have to be set to use the wolfSSL example server-cert.pem and server-key.pem to allow for the client to authenticate the server using its default CA.
"openssl s_server -port 11111 -cert .\certs\server-cert.pem -key .\certs\server-key.pem"
"client.exe -v 1"
To use the wolfSSL client with SMTP the flag -M smtp should be used. If the client is not ready for the STARTTLS protocol it will try to parse it as a TLS handshake packet.
Hi Michela,
Thank you for the information. It would be good to have the public key generation for testing purposes. Generation of public keys from private curve25519 keys has been added to the desired feature list.
The output for key generation of Ed25519 is in little endian. In the case of curve25519 there was some drafts out at the time of implementation that were using a big endian format. To have the curve25519 implementation interop with some of the early TLS curve25519 drafts the use of exporting/importing big endian keys was enabled.
Hi Michela,
That is correct. There currently is not API for generating a public key from a private key. Or an automated derivation of the public key from an imported private key. Will add this functionality to the desired feature list.
Can you share some about the project and use case?
Hello colin.foster,
Recently there was an addition to expose mp_init and mp_read_unsigned_bin by using the macro WOLFSSL_PUBLIC_MP (it is in the most recent release v3.12.0). An example of compiling wolfSSL with that feature is "./configure C_EXTRA_FLAGS=-DWOLFSSL_PUBLIC_MP".
Can you tell us some about the project and the reason for not using the functions wc_RsaKeyToDer and wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode for working with loading and exporting an RSA key?
Hello Prateek,
I think we are actively engaged with you through the channel? For this issue though a wolfSSL library should be created and then linked to in order to resolve the "undefined reference" error. There is a couple ways that wolfSSL can be compiled; one is cross compiling for the intended platform, another is including all source files needed from wolfssl-root/src and wolfssl-root/wolfcrypt/src into a project. The easiest method is if ./configure && make can be ran on the system that the wolfSSL library will be used on.
Hi Ivanchez,
There is not yet a wrapping of the function wolfSSL_set_using_nonblock in the C# wrapper. It would be similar to how the function wolfSSL_get_error is wrapped in wolfSSL.cs but would the function would need to be added in. With the C# wrapper the examples are currently set up to use blocking sockets ( … SL.cs#L454) so the IO callbacks would also need to be set up for the project. An example of setting the IO callback can be found here … Callbacks.
What are the time frames with building the game for when it would be needed?
Hello eques,
After investigating it, the difference between the success case and failure is the ec_point_format extension being sent with client hello. wolfSSL currently does not support the ec_point_format and it looks like the server is not allowing ECDHE cipher suite without that extension.
Hi eques,
Thank you for sending the code to review and get a good idea of what is happening. After glancing over it I see that a certificate and private key is not being loaded? Adding a function calls for loading a certificate and private key should resolve the issue.
wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_buffer or wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file
wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_buffer or wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
Hi Manoj,
I think the API you are looking for is wc_EccKeyToDer for private key and wc_EccPublicKeyToDer for public key located in wolfssl/wolfcrypt/asn_public.h. Example uses of these function can be seen in wolfcrypt/test/test.c around line 9935 in the function ecc_test_key_gen.
Hi gruppelli,
That sounds like an interesting thesis! Thanks for considering using wolfSSL when building it. What issues or errors are being reported when including DES files? des3.c and aes.c are able to be compiled on their own so this may be memory size or macros needed, but a list of the errors thrown will help with narrowing it down.
Hi eques,
I personally have not built wolfSSL for Esp-idf but this looks like the include path needs updated. If it is an IDE based off of Eclipse then you should be able to do something like "right click on the project -> Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols" for adding include paths.
With the second issue the unknown type pthread_mutex_t looks like the macro FREERTOS from settings.h may not be getting included. This could be a side effect of the include paths needing to be updated.
For the last error listed, sys/uio.h dependency can be removed by defining the macro NO_WRITEV. This can be defined in wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h or better yet in a user_settings.h file.
Can you tell us some about the project and use case with wolfSSL?
That's great! Glad to help.
Thanks for asking the question. This will be a good resource for others that may encounter the same thing.
Hi Michela,
Which APIs are being used with wolfSSL to generate a public key from the private key? One thing to keep in mind is that wolfSSL's export/import curve25519 key functions use Big Endian format. It can optionally be selected big or little endian with *_ex functions
Hey duckula,
That's great!! I have been thinking some about the generate seed function in this case. Finding a good source of entropy is in many ways the building block for network security. I can't think of one to suggest off the top of my head but do suggest that it is one that has had a lot of third party analysis done on it.
There is a couple spots in the code for creating custom random seed generation functions. These two spots are with the macro CUSTOM_RAND_GENERATE_SEED and CUSTOM_RAND_GENERATE_SEED_OS currently around about line 1146 in random.c.
Hey duckula,
Thanks for the project information, it sounds interesting.
Is the disposed error always at the same time when the program is executed ie always at Client Key Exchange? Those two previous API will be helpful if having problems with the parameter "ctx" in the IO callbacks. I'm not sure if that is the case here.
Which cipher suite is the client and server agreeing on? PSK could run into issues at the client key exchange portion if no psk callback is set.
It sounds like this will take some debugging though and stepping through the Recv callback function to narrow down which object is trying to be accessed while having been disposed of.
Hi duckula,
That's good news that it is past wolfSSL_new. What behavior is StreamSockets having? I recommend using the overloaded read/write that accept byte arrays as a parameter if not using them currently.
Something to consider with the custom IO call backs is that the set_fd function is creating an association between the socket object and the ssl object. Then each time the ssl is passed to the custom callback the associated socket object is also passed. If not being able to use socket objects the following two functions may need to be wrapped with C# code to replace that association and use a StreamSocket object instead.
wolfSSL_SetIOWriteCtx(sslCtx, ptr); //pass along the socket for writing to
wolfSSL_SetIOReadCtx(sslCtx, ptr); //pass along the socket for reading from
C# wrappers for these functions are not currently in wolfSSL.cs but use of the functions can be seen in set_fd.
Can you tell us some about your project and use case? It is the first case I've seen with the C# wrapper on a Raspberry PI.
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