I have managed to generate the certificate request but I have not yet managed to parse them in order to generate an certificate.
I am currently trying this:
InitDecodedCert(&certDecode, tmp, (word32)bytes, 0);
ret = ParseCert(&certDecode, CERTREQ_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0);
And it produces an -144 error, ASN object id error, invalid id.
So I am not doing it right probably... . I have also tested the type used in the examples CA_TYPE and VERIFY setting and always the same error.
I have also checked the certificate request with openssl via:
openssl req -in test_req.pem -noout -text
And it produces the output attached to this post, with no complaints. And I can also use the produced request to generate a certificate.
Kind regards,
Jori Winderickx