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Hi Kaleb
Basically, we needed to an ethernet port to our application so we added a WIZ550io spi to ethernet device. We have our device talking with our server over the 550io only without SSL. The 550io does not support SSL so we need to add it. We have a WiFi solution that has implemented SSL communication and talks with a similar service on our server that is secure (SSL). Ultimately we need to use the single secure service over the 550io.
Code space is limited so we need as small a footprint as possible thus the interest in leanSPK. Not sure if leanSPK will suit our service requirements. Could use some advice on that.
Host processor is a TI CC3200 that has a hardware crypto engine. Would like to leverage that if possible to further reduce footprint .
Spoke to Rich in your office the other day about this project a provided him with many more details, you may wish to conference with him.
I am working on an embedded platform (TI CC3200) and am trying to see if I can use wolfSSL to to provide SSL over a WIZ550io. Memory resources are short and I want to get the wolfSSL footprint as close as possible to 21k.
I have read about the leanpsk build option for the autoconf system. Since I am building on a non-standard platform I will building on my IAR EWARM compiler and will need to include/exclude the appropriate configuration definitions in the wolfSSL source.
What definitions do I need to include/exclude to get a leanpsk result from my local build?
Also, once I get something like leanpsk built I would like to try and leverage the CC3200's Hardware Crypto Engine. Do you have any guidance on integrating hardware crypto functionality with wolfSSL? Will it be possible to further reduce leanpsk footprint if we can utilize my crypto engine?
Thanks for your help.
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