Hi Kit,
The call to generate an ECC shared secret uses an encrypted channel with requires a paired encryption key. The default wolfSSL examples use `atmel_get_enc_key_default`, which is all 0xFF's. You should override this function with your own implementation and key. This can be done at build-time using `ATECC_GET_ENC_KEY`.
If you'd like to use a different slot for the ephemeral key generation you can override at build time with macro `ATECC_SLOT_ECDHE_PRIV` or at runtime by registering a slot allocator using `atmel_set_slot_allocator`.
You can test if its the encryption key by replacing the `atcab_ecdh_enc` with `atcab_ecdh` in `atmel_ecc_create_pms`.
Also the ATECC chips have a watchdog that will occur if the chip isn't put into idle state when done. You'll notice calls to `atcab_idle` in our wolfcrypt/port/atmel/atmel.c to resolve this.
Feel free to email us directly at support@wolfssl.com with your user_settings.h and logs. These emails get directed into our ZenDesk system and I'll make sure and grab the incoming ticket.
David Garske, wolfSSL