Hello Avenuti,

Thanks for the detailed question.

It looks like you are not using the latest v3.9.8 wolfSSL release. There have been a few fixes/changes in that area of ECC vector testing. I've seen this error and believe you can workaround it without an update by defining ECC_SHAMIR. I do recommend you update if you can.

For your NXP LPC1837 micro I would recommend the following settings:
#define TFM_ARM (or TFM_ASM if that one fails)

#define HAVE_ECC
#define HAVE_ECC521
#define ECC_SHAMIR

#define ALT_ECC_SIZE
#define TFM_ECC521

For additional details on these and a good example of a user_settings.h configuration file see here:
https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob … settings.h

Thanks and let me know if that resolves your failure.

David Garske