(5 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Chris

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know about that API, but I am specifically interested in the Server random response. I know that this is not a required field per the RFC, but I would still like to parse it out from the SSL handshake.

I tried the enable tlsx and supported curves, but that doesn't get rid of the error message.

also a related question, which root CA cert should I use for the google.com test? does wolfSSL already come populated with some root CAs?


(14 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Chris

I'm basically doing a measurement study of top 100 Alexa websites to see which support OCSP stapling in the SSL handshake. I'm also collecting some statistics on the validity period of the OCSP responses. Therefore, I want to parse all this data out from the SSL handshake. My plan was to use the callback mechanism and go from there.

I can't find the attachment.


(14 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Does wolfSSL support OCSP stapling in the handshake? What are the relevant APIs?


(5 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


I'm interested in writing a sample client app that performs an SSL handshake, and dumps the serverUnixTime Value. I was thinking of using the client as a starting point. Does the wolfSSL API offer access to the unix time field?

Also, I tried executing the client as per the getting started guide...

./examples/client/client -h gmail.google.com -p 443 -d -g

But I get this error:

err = -313, revcd alert fatal error
wolfSSL error: SSL_connect failed

I also tried mail.google.com to no avail.

Please note that I have only compiled from source (./configure, make), and did not install (make install).