Hi Kaleb,
We have communicated before via e-mail, but thanks for posting a reply, this might be useful for someone who had the same issue as me.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by Snuggle
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Hi Kaleb,
We have communicated before via e-mail, but thanks for posting a reply, this might be useful for someone who had the same issue as me.
I didn't mean that it necessarily has to be done with XCode. I just want to compile for iOS including NTRU support.
Hi Chris,
I want to use NTRU in an iOS mobile messaging app demonstrating the security and performance of NTRU.
Can anyone tell me how I can compile the iOS Xcode WolfSSL project with NTRU on a Mac? Thanks.
EDIT: Is it possible to compile the iOS WolfSSL library on the OS X command line? I did compile the OS X library on the command-line except that --enable-ntru and --with-ntru both failed (--enable-ntru is an unrecognized option, and --with-ntru says "NTRU isn't found" even though I gave it the right directory (usr/local/include)). However running the test suites worked (but there was no NTRU).
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by Snuggle
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