Hi chrisc,
Ok thanks for the update.
It is a requirement of the project indeed.
As you are implementing the TLS1.3 I guess extensions in TLS1.2 won't be there soon right ?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by kanaziwok
Pages 1
Hi chrisc,
Ok thanks for the update.
It is a requirement of the project indeed.
As you are implementing the TLS1.3 I guess extensions in TLS1.2 won't be there soon right ?
Actually, I cannot even find in the documentation any reference to the RawPublicKey extension, is it something supported and I'm missing it?
As far as I can see, I cannot find extensions configuration parameters within the WolfSSL-JNI library.
How did you bring for example the Raw Public Key extension to the JNI library ? (RFC 7250)
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by kanaziwok
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