oh! Thanks so much for chasing this down. I thought to try building with `--enable-sni` but I wasn't testing it correctly.
Yes, that works perfectly.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by caseyf
Pages 1
oh! Thanks so much for chasing this down. I thought to try building with `--enable-sni` but I wasn't testing it correctly.
Yes, that works perfectly.
Here is the debug log:
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_Init
wolfSSL Entering wolfCrypt_Init
wolfSSL Entering WOLFSSL_CTX_new_ex
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CertManagerNew
wolfSSL Leaving WOLFSSL_CTX_new, return 0
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file
Getting dynamic buffer
wolfSSL Entering PemToDer
Checking cert signature type
wolfSSL Entering GetExplicitVersion
wolfSSL Entering GetSerialNumber
Got Cert Header
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Got Algo ID
Getting Cert Name
Getting Cert Name
Got Subject Name
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Got Key
Not ECDSA cert signature
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
Getting dynamic buffer
wolfSSL Entering PemToDer
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
Getting dynamic buffer
Processing CA PEM file
wolfSSL Entering PemToDer
Adding a CA
wolfSSL Entering GetExplicitVersion
wolfSSL Entering GetSerialNumber
Got Cert Header
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Got Algo ID
Getting Cert Name
Getting Cert Name
Got Subject Name
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Got Key
Parsed Past Key
wolfSSL Entering DecodeCertExtensions
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeSubjKeyId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeAuthKeyId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeBasicCaConstraint
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Parsed new CA
Freeing Parsed CA
Freeing der CA
OK Freeing der CA
wolfSSL Leaving AddCA, return 0
Processed a CA
Processed at least one valid CA. Other stuff OK
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
Getting dynamic buffer
Processing CA PEM file
wolfSSL Entering PemToDer
Adding a CA
wolfSSL Entering GetExplicitVersion
wolfSSL Entering GetSerialNumber
Got Cert Header
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Got Algo ID
Getting Cert Name
Getting Cert Name
Got Subject Name
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Got Key
Parsed Past Key
wolfSSL Entering DecodeCertExtensions
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeBasicCaConstraint
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeSubjKeyId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeAuthKeyId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeKeyUsage
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering DecodeExtKeyUsage
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
wolfSSL Entering GetAlgoId
wolfSSL Entering GetObjectId()
Parsed new CA
Freeing Parsed CA
Freeing der CA
OK Freeing der CA
wolfSSL Leaving AddCA, return 0
Processed a CA
Processed at least one valid CA. Other stuff OK
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CTX_set_verify
wolfSSL Entering SSL_new
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_new, return 0
wolfSSL Entering SSL_set_fd
wolfSSL Entering SSL_set_read_fd
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_set_read_fd, return 1
wolfSSL Entering SSL_set_write_fd
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_set_write_fd, return 1
wolfSSL Entering SSL_connect()
Adding signature algorithms extension
growing output buffer
Signature Algorithms extension to write
Point Formats extension to write
Elliptic Curves extension to write
Shrinking output buffer
connect state: CLIENT_HELLO_SENT
received record layer msg
got ALERT!
Got alert
wolfSSL error occurred, error = 40
wolfSSL error occurred, error = -313
wolfSSL Entering SSL_get_error
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_get_error, return -313
wolfSSL Entering ERR_error_string
wolfSSL_connect error -313, revcd alert fatal error
wolfSSL Entering SSL_free
CTX ref count not 0 yet, no free
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_free, return 0
wolfSSL Entering SSL_CTX_free
CTX ref count down to 0, doing full free
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CertManagerFree
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_CTX_free, return 0
wolfSSL error: wolfSSL_connect failed
I can't figure out what is causing this:
./examples/client/client -h dreamwidth.org -p 443 -d -g
wolfSSL_connect error -313, revcd alert fatal error
wolfSSL error: wolfSSL_connect failed
This server is running on AWS cloudfront so it's nothing exotic?
https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze … amp;latest
I compiled on amd64 with:
./configure C_EXTRA_FLAGS="-DWOLFSSL_STATIC_RSA" --prefix=/opt/wolfssl-3.13.0 --enable-ecc --enable-ecccustcurves --enable-aesgcm --enable-sni --enable-tls13
Pages 1
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by caseyf
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