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Hello Kaleb
I created a new VS2008 project und added all source and header files as in the standard win32 project. The pre-processor macros included a define for _WIN32_WCE but the source files do not care about that. The headers and source files have no #ifdef (_WIN32_WCE).
I tried some fixes for time.h and XREWIND but still get errores about rewind undefined. Does not look very well.
If you do not have any experience with _WIN32_WCE, you just should not claim to support this. I will then give up for now.
All the supplied Visual Studio Projects are not created as SmartDevice solution with "Windows CE/Standard SDK 500" target. These are not helpful.
Who did ever compile wolfSSL for Windows CE? Please share your setup.
I see there is one dependency for _WIN32_WCE, but how do I compile for Windows CE (Standard SDK 500)?
Is there a ready-to-use Visual Studio 2008 solution or project file? Or do I have to use cygwin with CE gcc?
I tried with a copy of the VS project for Windows. But there are refernces to undefined functions, for example tm and rewind. There are also not really defines suitable for Windows CE.
I want to replace openSSL within my remote dekstop (rdesktopce) for Windows CE.
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