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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by kjjy7
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I Send you email...
Please answer to me....
To use Signiture verification, I make these code.
Error happened while using wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode
that function is seem to get rsakey info from string.
ret = wc_Sha256Hash((const byte*)token, strlen(token), ucSha256Hashed);
if(ret != 0)
printf("Error wc_Sha256Hash ret = %d", ret);
return -25;
RsaKey rsaKey;
word32 idx = 0;
XMEMSET(&rsaKey, 0, sizeof(rsaKey));
word32 pksize = (word32)wolfSSL_X509_get_pubkey( parse_jason->x509Cert[0] )->pkey_sz;
const byte * pubkey = (const unsigned char*) wolfSSL_X509_get_pubkey( parse_jason->x509Cert[0] )->pkey.ptr;
if(pubkey == NULL)
printf("pubkey is NULL");
printf("pubkey is not NULL");
PLOG("%s, pksize %d", __func__, pksize);
ret = wc_InitRsaKey(&rsaKey, NULL);
if(ret != 0)
printf("Error wc_InitRsaKey ret = %d", ret);
return -25;
ret = wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode(pubkey, &idx, &rsaKey, pksize); <-- Error Msg Occurred
PLOG("wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode ret = %d", ret);
if (ret != 0)
// error parsing public key
memset( err_string, 0x00, sizeof(err_string) );
printf("%s failed ! wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode error %d", __func__, ret);
return -28;
} else {
printf("%s success ! wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode success", __func__);
ret = wc_SignatureVerify(WC_HASH_TYPE_SHA256, WC_SIGNATURE_TYPE_RSA_W_ENC,
(const byte*)ucSha256Hashed, sizeof(ucSha256Hashed),
(const byte*)ucSignatureBase64decoded, nLengthSigDecoded,
&rsaKey, 300);
free (ucSignatureBase64decoded);
wc_FreeRsaKey( &rsaKey );
Error Message is ......
wc_Sha256Hash ret = 0
pubkey is not NULL
check_signature_verification, pksize 270
wc_InitRsaKey ret = 0
Process 1110071 (-) terminated SIGSEGV code=1 fltno=11 ip=0000000011b538d8(/usr/lib/libwolfssl.so.12@wc_DhSetKey+0x0000000000000edc) mapaddr=000000000001c8d8. ref=10bc352000000000
could you answer why this error happened?
wait your answer....
when I create the IV. IV Size is 4 byte
but I Have to use 16byte string..
How to Increase 4byte string to 16byte string ?
thanks for your answer
in developing SW using wolfssl, I wonder internal.h and options.h
I think both of them are related in wolfssl
when I use both these header file, which one shell I defined ?
#include <wolfssl/internal.h>
#include <wolfssl/options.h>
#include <wolfssl/options.h>
#include <wolfssl/internal.h>
I don't know how to make ECDH using wolfssl api.
especially, encryption and decryption.
give me answer, plz.
Is there any ECDH examples using wolfssl api
To Setup pre-shared key, mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk function is used in mbedtls.
is there any method to Setup pre-shared key?
I have Not to use callback function.
such as (wolfSSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback function(ctx, My_Psk_Client_cb))
Because, I have to check TLS Handshake Process between Client and Hello using cipher.
So, I need such as SendClientHello, SendServerHello, SendCertificate, SendClientKeyExchange, SendCertificateVerify, etc ...
when i googling wolfssl,I found these functions.
So. I Had a question, that Is, Is there any method to use these functions?
Because, I have to check TLS Handshake Process between Client and Hello using cipher.
So, I need such as SendClientHello, SendServerHello, SendCertificate, SendClientKeyExchange, SendCertificateVerify, etc ...
I want to use these functions
WOLFSSL_LOCAL int SendClientHello(WOLFSSL*);
WOLFSSL_LOCAL int SendClientKeyExchange(WOLFSSL*);
WOLFSSL_LOCAL int SendCertificateVerify(WOLFSSL*);
but it's not easy to use it.
How to use these function in my Source code ?
give me an answer.
please ..
while I googling the SendClientHello function
I wonder between WOLFSSL_LOCAL and WOLF_API function
if possible,
Could you answer to me, how to use SendClientHello() function?
whenever I use EccKeyToDer, these error happened.
Description Resource Path Location Type
'EccKeyToDer' was not declared in this scope
but, I don't know how to use this function...
I think lt's a Kind of Flag....
please. answer to me ...
How to use ctr-drbg ?
please answer to me.
1. how to use configure options ?
2. how to use define Flag ?
3. c++ examples
Hi kjjy7,
If you are using ./configure you do not need to use user_settings.h. The ./configure outputs a build configuration file to wolfssl/options.h. You can use this file as a template for user_settings.h if you are building the sources directly (without ./configure).
If you are building sources directly then you can define WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS and add a user_settings.h file to your include path. There is an excellent template for this here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob … settings.h
David Garske, wolfSSL
I have to use Cipher ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256.
I heard that the configure option of wolfssl is
./configure CFLAGS="-DWOLFSSL_STATIC_RSA -DWOLFSSL_HAVE_MAX -fPIC -fstack-protector " --enable-opensslextra --enable-fortress --enable-aesgcm=table --enable-ecc --enable-eccencrypt --enable-tlsx --enable-hkdf --enable-sha512
but when I check the functions, I found that some of functions don't work. (such as ecc)
when i found the cause, it's due to "user_setting.h" file
there is no user_setting.h on my source code.
In the web tutorial, 'user_setting.h' files is located in include path.
first, Is this right to configure above options?
second, How to make the user_setting.h, using above all configure option?
thanks ...
Hi kjjy7,
Try using the function `wolfSSL_get_state`. We also have an API `wolfSSL_state_string_long` which gets a string version of the current state.
We also have an internal TLS client state is in `ssl->options.clientState`. The possible values are here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob … al.h#L1428
Let us know if that is helpful or not.
David Garske, wolfSSL
Hi kjjy7,
Please check the state by defining DEBUG_WOLFSSL or configuring with --enable-debug then call
in your application!
Warm Regards,
- Kaleb
How do I get the TLS handshake status using wolfssl?
I couldn't find TLS handshake state in wolfssl library example.
(such as
case client_Hello:
case server_hello:
case certificate:
could you answer me how to check the tls state?
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by kjjy7
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