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Hi John,
I wanted to give you an update on this issue.
I was unable to get USE_FAST_MATH to work on the device, but you did get me on the right track. Memory reallocation was not properly implemented, which caused the ASN_NO_SIGNER_E issue. I went back to big integer math, fixed the allocation scheme, and the device is now able to connect successfully.
Thanks for your support,
Thanks John.
Sorry it's taking me a while to get back to you.
The logs I sent earlier did NOT use USE_FAST_MATH.
I'm trying to get the device running fast math, since I'm not sure our realloc() works correctly on this platform. I'm having lots of trouble, though. Runtime crashes during cert signature verification, memory allocation issues (the device has very limited RAM), stack overflows...
I'm gonna keep trying to get fast math working. Would you say that a malfunctioning realloc() along with big integer math is likely to be the root of the ASN_NO_SIGNER_E issue?
Hi Kaleb,
Thanks a lot for your support.
Output of the test application:
MD5 test passed!
MD4 test passed!
SHA test passed!
SHA-256 test passed!
HMAC-MD5 test passed!
HMAC-SHA test passed!
HMAC-SHA256 test passed!
ARC4 test passed!
AES test passed!
RANDOM test passed!
wolfSSL Entering GetMyVersion
RSA_FUNCTION MP_EXPTMOD_E: memory/config problem
RSA_FUNCTION MP_EXPTMOD_E: memory/config problem
RSA test failed!
error = -43
Log of the application with DEBUG_WOLFSSL: … 08c0a305b7
Seems like there's an issue with RSA. Any suggestions?
I'm gonna keep debugging in the meantime.
Hi there,
I've been working on a project that needs an MQTT library update. The library uses wolfSSL v3.10.2 to run TLSv1.2.
More details:
Same code seems to work fine on other platforms and versions:
The previous version of the project also used WolfSSL, with no connection problems.
I am running the same version of the MQTT library and WolfSSL, the same RTOS, network stack and CA cert store on a different hardware platform. No connection problems.
I have tried many different configurations: Almost exactly the same as the previous version, almost exactly the same as other platforms, exactly the same as the WolfSSL IDE sample projects, combinations of them all, fully custom... None of that fixes the issue.
More debugging:
I've used wireshark to obtain the cert chain provided by the server. It starts at this intermediary:
[-] Issuer: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA[/-]
[-] Subject: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, CN=GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2[/-]
Then I printed the device's CA cert buffer after CyaSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer returns SSL_SUCCESS. It contains 4 roots; this is one of them:
[-] Issuer: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA[/-]
[-] Subject: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA[/-]
So I think the certificate store is OK. To verify that 100%, I copy/pasted the printed buffer into a file, ran WolfSSL's client example with that store, and got a successful TLS connection
I disabled certificate validation, but the connection still failed. This time, with a PEER_KEY_ERROR (-342)
SNI and OCSP are enabled on the device, as required by the server
Cipher suites seem compatible. The wireshark'd Client Hello includes a list of 10 suites, and the Server Hello selected the client's first option (0xc027: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256)
The validation process fails after the client has received the server’s certificate chain, the second time WolfSSL calls GetCA() in asn.c. The first certificate is parsed correctly, but the second one returns NULL, which makes ParseCertRelative() return ASN_NO_SIGNER_E.
Here's an overview of the failed TLS handshake in wireshark:

My WolfSSL IAR project is configured for the correct platform. The project itself only defines WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS, which is also defined in the IAR project for the MQTT library. Both of them include the same header:
/* From WolfSSL's original IAR sample */
#define NO_WRITEV
/* Libxively requirements */
#define HAVE_OCSP
#define HAVE_SNI
#define CUSTOM_RAND_GENERATE_SEED xi_bsp_rng_generate_wolfssl_seed
/* Flash and RAM optimizations */
/* To be defined once I have a working connection:
Are you familiar with this issue? Can you see any problems with my build configuration? Any idea on where I should keep debugging?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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