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I am a Phd. student working on the privacy of TLS 1.3. Seeing that the RFC 8446 is very vague about what a ticket is (and what it contains), I am trying to look at existing implementations to at least understand how it is done in practice.
Best regards,
Adina Nedelcu
I am trying to find the source code in wolfSSL that implements TLS 1.3's session resumption ticket mechanism. The RFC only specifies that a session ticket can either be a table lookup index or a self encrypted and self authenticated value. I would like to learn how wolfSSL implements tickets (what a tickets contains, how it is encrypted etc.) but I don't know where in the source code could I find this. Can anyone point me in the right direction (which files in the source code implement new session tickets or use them/ what are the location and names of the relevant functions)? Thank you!
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