hello kaleb,
Thanks for your reply.I came to know that my organization has recently purchased commercial wolfssl 4.0.0 license and they already requested to include this API.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by subale255
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hello kaleb,
Thanks for your reply.I came to know that my organization has recently purchased commercial wolfssl 4.0.0 license and they already requested to include this API.
hello all,
I am porting openssl API's to wolfssl in my application.My existing openssl application has PEM_read_bio_DHparams() to read DHparams and I found its replacement in wolfssl.But, I didn't find any replacement for PEM_write_DHparams().Is there any API in wolfssl for this and if no,is there any plan to implement it in near future?
Thanks & Regards,
hello Kaleb,
Thanks for help.I am able to solve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
hello all,
I am using following code for generating selfsigned certificate.
but i am getting following error:
PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX("/cert/server.pem") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)
I checked certificate type, permission and header
Cert newCert = { 0 };
WC_RNG rng = { 0 };
ecc_key newKey = { 0 };
byte* derBuf = NULL;
byte* derKeyBuf = NULL;
int derBufSz = 0;
int derKeyBufSz = 0;
/* Generate new ecc key */
int ret = wc_InitRng(&rng);
if (ret != 0)
//("wc_InitRng() failed");
ret = wc_ecc_init(&newKey);
if (ret != 0)
//("wc_ecc_init() failed");
ret = wc_ecc_make_key(&rng, 32, &newKey);
if (ret != 0)
//("wc_ecc_make_key() failed()"));
/* Setup Certificate */
newCert.daysValid = days;
newCert.isCA = 0;
newCert.sigType = CTC_SHA256wECDSA;
strncpy(newCert.subject.commonName, (const char *)commonName, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
/* Make an New x509 ECC Certificate */
ret = wc_MakeCert(&newCert, derBuf, FOURK_SZ, NULL, &newKey, &rng);
if (ret < 0)
//(wc_ecc_make_key() failed()");
//Sign certificate using ecc key
derBufSz = wc_SignCert(newCert.bodySz, newCert.sigType, derBuf, FOURK_SZ, NULL, &newKey, &rng);
if (derBufSz < 0)
//("SignCert failed derBufSz%d"), derBufSz);
/* DER formatted certificate into WOLFSSL_X509 structure */
WOLFSSL_X509* newX509;
newX509 = wolfSSL_X509_d2i(&newX509 ,derBuf, derBufSz);
if(newX509 == NULL)
//("wolfssl_X509_d2i() failed\n");
/* PEM formatted PrivateKey into DER formatted PrivateKey */
derKeyBufSz = wc_EccKeyToDer(&newKey, derKeyBuf, FOURK_SZ);
if(derKeyBufSz < 0)
//("wc_EccPrivateKeyToDer() failed");
/* This function converts DER formatted ECC PrivateKey into wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY structure */
pk = wolfSSL_d2i_PrivateKey_EVP( NULL, &derKeyBuf, derKeyBufSz);
if(pk == NULL)
//("wolfSSL_d2i_PrivateKey_EVP() failed");
// Successful exit, return pointers to cert and private key
*x509p = newX509;
*pkeyp = pk;
is there anything i am doing wrong in this code which i am not able to understand?
please, can any one help in this issue?
I am using EC_key in my application.
To sign the certificate with the private key there is function X509_sign() present in openssl but I cant find its equivalent
replacement in wolfssl.
Please help me.
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by subale255
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